574 results
Learn about the benefits of topic browsing, a feature that allows students to explore different subjects and themes within a library database.
The new EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS) user interface combines the search features people have become accustomed to on popular commercial websites with advanced library discovery capabilities.
With the evolution of EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS), students can enhance their information literacy skills while finding the content they need.
Thanks to the evolution of the EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS) user experience, library patrons who are inexperienced researchers can not only surface the articles and books they need, but also enhance their information literacy skills.
Explore the questions from our recent webinar, "Unlocking the Future of Library Acquisitions." Learn about Mosaic's features, roadmap, and how it's evolving with user feedback to redefine library acquisitions.
Discover how educational videos in library databases can enhance learning, accessibility and engagement for students, educators and library patrons.
Learn how OpenAthens helps to deliver and consolidate data to provide insights into user behavior.
In this introduction, we will explore essential techniques for teaching AI literacy, highlight key aspects to cover, and share valuable tips and tricks as we unveil the new EBSCO Open AI Literacy Tips Series.
The JCD Award, provided by the H.W. Wilson Foundation, ALA Core and EBSCO Information Services, honors outstanding library public relations. Read about some of last year’s award-winning campaigns and apply for a chance to win $10,000 for your library.
February is Black History Month, a time devoted to honoring the achievements, contributions and legacy of Black Americans in shaping U.S. history.