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This is the second in a three-part series about how Omaha Public Library successfully implemented a subject librarian model at its branches. Part Two describes the expansion and official launch of OPL’s subject librarian team.
Bite-sized lessons can make it easier for students to learn and retain information literacy skills. Learn which resources can help librarians and educators deliver microlessons that students will remember.
The last article in our four-part blog series on libraries and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals describes library efforts to protect the environment and promote sustainability. It also recommends relevant EBSCO resources for library collections.
Flipster, an EBSCO digital magazine platform, and PrepSTEP for High Schools from EBSCO LearningExpress have received Modern Library Award Platinum distinctions for the fifth and third consecutive years, respectively.
Read about EBSCO Academy, a training portal designed for customers to help them get the most out of their EBSCO products and services, from EBSCO Information Services eLearning Training Specialist and Librarian Jaime Barrilleaux, MLIS.
The Modern Language Association’s (MLA) annual convention will be offering in-person and virtual sessions. Here’s a look at the convention details and information on MLA’s humanities research resource.
Edmonton Public Library CEO Pilar Martinez recounts the opening of its revitalized central library, Stanley A. Milner Library, an award-winning John Cotton Dana (JCD) campaign.
Introducing EBSCO eBook Manager, the powerful new suite of features designed to help libraries efficiently manage their e-book collections and effectively respond to requests, as well as usage and demand.
Read the responses to questions asked during the live webinar, EBSCO eBook Manager Demo and Info Session Part Two: Download Controls
Meet Georg Vogtherr, EBSCO's Senior Training Manager for Benelux and German-speaking Europe, learn about the benefits of EBSCO’s online training sessions and register for a session now.