What is Linked Data?


In this first video in the Making All the Pieces Fit: Solving the Linked Data Puzzle Video Series, you learn all about Linked Data, a method of publishing and linking different pieces of information on the internet, and how it can benefit libraries. EBSCO’s SaaS Director explains what Linked Data is and why it's important for enhancing discovery by enriching library data.

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What is Linked Data?

Ref Link: https://www-ebsco-com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/resources/what-linked-data

Hi. My name is Gloria Gonzalez, and I'm the product manager for Linked Data Innovation and Design at EBSCO. You might be wondering what is linked data? Well, it's a way to enrich or enhance the data that you use for discovery. It's a way of publishing and connecting different pieces of information on the web. It's a common standard that's used to connect information that was typically stored in siloed systems. By allowing different sources of data to work together, linked data ensures that machines can quickly and easily understand the relationships and meaningful connections that you can create between everything you describe. Linked data is about exposing, sharing and connecting. It aims to identify the things that libraries talk about, as well as the relationships between them. These things include concepts, people, places, subjects, topics, publishers and more. Whether you know it or not, you actually use linked data every day. For example, if you search for a movie, linked data can display the title of the movie and its relationships to the director, cast, reviews, and even suggest related movies for you to see all in one place. In the next video in this series, we'll talk about BIBFRAME and how it compares to MARC. You can visit our video series web page to learn more.

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