The largest of seven community colleges in New Hampshire, NHTI-Concord provides its 6,000 students and faculty with a robust library collection that is easy to access through EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS), a powerful single-search software platform. In July 2014, the NHTI Library began subscribing to Applied Science & Technology Source™, one of EBSCO's most unique full-text research databases. According to Library Director Stephen Ambra, the database supports a variety of NHTI-Concord offerings including geology, chemistry, biology, mathematics, civil engineering, computer sciences, architectural engineering technology, robotics, and visual arts. Read his testimonial below.
Applied Science & Technology Source interfaces flawlessly with EBSCO Discovery Service, providing robust search results even in those hard-to-find areas of research.
Applied Science & Technology Source interfaces flawlessly with EBSCO Discovery Service, providing robust search results even in those hard-to-find areas of research.
Customer Testimonial
By Stephen Ambra, Library Director
The NHTI Library relies on Applied Science & Technology Source as the go-to resource not only for STEM, but also for all of our students and patrons. Says Sarah Hébert, NHTI Library’s Head of User Services, “Applied Science & Technology Source interfaces flawlessly with EBSCO Discovery Service, providing robust search results even in those hard-to-find areas of research.” Specific searches in very different disciplines, such as robotics or visual arts, yield results that are authoritative and on point.
For example, a visual arts student recently used Applied Science & Technology Source in her research on ceramics and glazes. By using the search terms pottery AND lost AND “yellow glaze” AND recipes, she was able to find relevant materials that were vital to her research.
Our patrons justifiably rely on Applied Science & Technology Source. That it is searchable through EDS is a huge plus, opening the possibilities for applications in other courses and disciplines.
Learn more about Applied Science & Technology Source or request a free trial
Read about NHTI-Concord's implementation of EBSCO Discovery Service