How to Upgrade or Add High-Demand E-Books to Your Collection: Tips and Best Practices


Upgrading or adding high-demand e-books in libraries is essential for staying relevant, meeting user expectations, supporting academic endeavors, and embracing the benefits of digital technology in the information age.

In this video, Director of Product Management for EBSCO eBooks, Emma Waecker, presents how to maximize your library's budget by identifying and taking advantage of upgrade opportunities in EBSCO eBook Manager.

This video demonstrates:

  • How to import a list of ISBNs to view eBooks available for an upgrade
  • How to use eBook Manager facets to view Turnaways and eBooks available as DRM-Free
  • How to complete an upgrade purchase in EBSCOhost Collection Manager (ECM)

Learn more about EBSCO eBook Manager by viewing our guide.
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How to Upgrade or Add High-Demand E-Books to Your Collection: Tips and Best Practices

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Hello, I'm Emma Waecker, Director of Product Management for EBSCO eBooks. I'm excited to walk through an overview of how to maximize your library's budget by easily upgrading e-books already in your collection within eBook Manager. As a refresher, eBook Manager is a workflow management solution within EBSCOhost Collection Manager or ECM. eBook Manager gives you control over your library's e-book collection in a single feature-rich interface. As usage of your e-book collection increases over time, you may wish to upgrade the number of copies available for some e-books in your collection to meet current or anticipated demand, such as e-books experiencing high numbers of turnaways or e-books that will be used in an upcoming course assignment or campus-wide read-a-long initiative. eBook Manager can help you quickly identify which e-books in your collection have seen significant unmet demand and which are available for upgrade. It also supports a quick and easy path to completing that upgrade purchase. Let's walk this through in eBook Manager. We'll start out by searching for a list of ISBNs that may have come from faculty members or subject area liaisons, for example. In the eBook Manager My Collection area, I can use the ISBN list option to search for those ISBNs in my collection. I'll paste in these ISBNs and the results that come back represent what I have in my collection matching those ISBNs. As a reminder, I can only upgrade e-books that are owned by my institution. Shared e-books cannot be upgraded by accessing libraries. From here, I will facet on DRM-free available and sort the results by turnaways descending so I can see which e-books are in highest demand and if I can acquire them DRM-free to offer users the most flexible and simple user experience with that e-book. I can see that four e-books I searched for are available DRM-free, so let's walk through an upgrade for one of those titles. I will click the link for the first e-book, which has 12 turnaways. This brings me to ECM, where I can see the upgrade pricing for my library, which discounts the higher model prices based on the model I already own. From here, I can add the DRM-free unlimited user copy to my ECM cart or if I’d rather purchase in GOBI, I can click the “Find on GOBI” link on the ECM detail page and make my purchase in GOBI. Once the e-book is in my ECM cart, it's a quick and easy checkout process and now I have a DRM-free unlimited user copy of that e-book available for my patrons. This video demonstrated how to import a list of ISBNs to view e-books available for an upgrade, how to use eBook Manager facets to view turnaways and e-books available as DRM-free, and how to complete an upgrade purchase in EBSCOhost Collection Manager. I hope this session on identifying and upgrading e-books was helpful. eBook Manager is a fantastic tool to enhance your library workflows. For more information and links to additional videos in the series, please reach out to your EBSCO rep or search the web for EBSCO eBook Manager. Thanks for watching.

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