EBSCO Product Suite


Meet Maria and Steve, two researchers who have different library experiences. Maria uses EBSCO while Steve does not.

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EBSCO Product Suite

Ref Link: https://www-ebsco-com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/resources/ebsco-product-suite

Meet Maria and Steve. Maria and Steve are friends who attend separate colleges. Both are working on important term papers and start their research by visiting their college library’s website. Maria’s library website, powered by EBSCO products, is easy to navigate and built on best practices, which includes a login to authenticate and enter her credentials. It also has a search box front and center where she enters a keyword to begin her research. Steve’s library website, on the other hand, is difficult to navigate. He doesn’t know where to start to find information. Maria’s search returns hundreds of relevant results with peer-reviewed indicators, detailed filters, and helpful Research Starters. She filters to full-text articles, finds an article of interest, and clicks on the link. Since Maria is already authenticated, she immediately accesses the article. She returns to her search results and easily opens links to other full-text articles, quickly assessing which ones are right for her research without needing to re-authenticate no matter where the article resides. Steve also navigates to where he thinks is a good starting point for his research. His results also yield full-text articles. He wants to open the links just like Maria but is asked to re-authenticate with his credentials every time he wants to gain access to articles hosted on a publisher’s platform. It's time-consuming and frustrating. Meanwhile, Maria has found the right articles for her paper and can share them directly to her Google Drive and Google Classroom to keep them handy in her personal dashboard. She can even continue her work on her phone thanks to the EBSCO Mobile App, which lets her access the content anytime, anywhere. Steve on the other hand is still wrestling with authentication prompts. He eventually gives up, turning to the open web where information may or may not be reliable. With everything she needs at her fingertips, Maria begins her work on her term paper feeling confident and stress-free. Hours later Steve is still sifting through web results, attempting to find what is relevant and factual. Maria’s success isn’t about her being an advanced researcher— it’s about her library providing the right tools. With EBSCO products and seamless integrations, Maria’s library supports her every step of the way. These solutions create a win-win experience through a well-designed easy-to-navigate library website powered by Stacks, the best discovery experience using EBSCO Discovery Service, advanced search and linking technology powered by Full Text Finder, seamless authentication using Open Athens, and mobile-friendly access using the EBSCO Mobile App to research. Now, students like Maria can quickly find the right information and make the most of their library’s collection. And isn’t that what a great library experience is all about?

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