EBSCO FOLIO: We Have Everything That Matters


EBSCO FOLIO has everything that matters. EBSCO FOLIO and its integrations were designed with the user in mind, so that they integrate seamlessly with your library systems. This video series will deep dive into how EBSCO FOLIO integrates with our other offerings that support everything from authentication to analytical reporting. See all videos in this series.

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EBSCO FOLIO: We Have Everything That Matters

Ref Link: https://www-ebsco-com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/resources/ebsco-folio-we-have-everything-matters

At EBSCO, we often talk about how our products and services are designed to work together, making it easier for everyone who interacts with them. Everything you need to help manage your library resources is available within the EBSCO SaaS product portfolio. Our implementation, hosting and support services are integral for a smooth deployment of the various products.

The EBSCO portfolio of SaaS products includes EBSCO Discovery Service or EDS, which provides a single search box to all of your resources with relevant results.

Stacks for creating engaging library websites via a turnkey web platform.

Full Text Finder for one click full text access, making a more seamless search experience.

OpenAthens for simplified access and authentication to your library's resources with single sign-on.

BiblioGraph, which can attract more users to your collections from anywhere on the web.

Panorama to generate analytics that combine datasets from across library and institutional systems, and to visualize that data in different ways.

Locate which helps patrons search and browse the library's catalog of materials.

FOLIO works seamlessly with these and other parts of the EBSCO product line to help libraries function very efficiently. Learn more about how these individual products integrate with FOLIO through our Everything That Matters Video series.

Transcripts are generated using a combination of speech recognition software and human transcribers, and may contain errors.