EBSCO eBooks Collection Quick Bites: Juvenile & Young Adult eBook Collections


When time is short and the need for new and in-demand eBooks across a variety of subjects is high, it’s easy to stay informed on new and updated eBook collections from EBSCO by watching our short Collection Quick Bite sessions.

In the sixth session EBSCO Collection Development Specialist Ivy Weir discusses Juvenile and Young Adult e-book collections that are available through EBSCO eBooks. There are a variety of enriching collections for schools and public libraries to help support school curriculums and leisure reading for students and their families. Ivy also reviews the most popular fiction, non-fiction e-books.

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EBSCO eBooks Collection Quick Bites: Juvenile & Young Adult eBook Collections

Ref Link: https://www-ebsco-com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/resources/ebsco-ebooks-collection-quick-bites-juvenile-young-adult-ebook-collections

Hello and welcome to Quick Bites. I‘m Ivy Weir, a collection management specialist on our team. Today, I'm going to talk about how EBSCO books can help support collection development for children's and young adult titles.

Children's and Young Adult Publishing is a huge business, and it can be daunting to navigate everything that's available. Our collection development team curates collections that can help with collection development in public and school libraries, help support school curriculums and can help academic libraries with collections that support education, children's literature, or child psychology majors.

One of the easiest ways you can use EBSCO as part of your collection development workflow is to check out our featured collections on EBSCOHost Collection Manager. These collections bring together curated e-books not only for juvenile and young adult titles, but also across a wide range of subjects. Each collection is hand-picked by a member of our collection development team.

We also have taken on an initiative to create and grow diversity, equity and inclusion in the featured collection. And we offer several DEI-focused collections just for children and young adults. We offer a wide range of topics inside our featured collections for children and young adults, including science, technology, engineering and math or STEM,  worldwide perspectives on people and their cultures through ethnic and regional studies, sustainability, popular fiction titles, collections by format like picture books and graphic novels and titles from authors of marginalized identities to build diverse perspectives into your collection.

We're also proud to work with some of the highest quality publishers worldwide. In addition to juvenile and young adult titles from some of the biggest publishers,  we also have a robust selection of small and independent publishers to offer our customers, and we have access to a wide range of content.

Another asset that the EBSCO books collection team has is data. We're able to look not only at qualitative trends, but also quantitative data that shows us what subjects and titles are selling the best. Here I'm able to provide a snapshot of what juvenile fiction and nonfiction titles published over the last year have sold the highest on our platform. This is exciting because while we know you may be able to keep up with new releases as they come out, there's always going to be titles that you've missed. Between EBSCO librarians’ curation and our access to this kind of data, we're able to help surface all the best titles for you to select from.

Be sure to check out the companion flier to this video for these lists and more info. Here's another look at some of the top sellers from the past year in young adult fiction and in nonfiction.

That concludes this quick look into children's and juvenile titles available on EBSCO Books. To keep up with our collections and products, you can stay informed in a variety of ways. Be sure to check out the companion flier to this video for links to EBSCO resources. You can also check out all of our other Quick Bite sessions online at the URL listed here.

Thanks so much for sharing your time with us today and I hope you'll keep coming back for more of our Quick Bites sessions.

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