EBSCO eBooks Collection Quick Bites: Curated Collections of Award Winning E-Books


When time is short and the need for new and in-demand eBooks across a variety of subjects is high, it’s easy to stay informed on new and updated eBook collections from EBSCO by watching our short Collection Quick Bite sessions.

In the seventh session, EBSCO Collection Development Specialist Alex Arthun describes how easy it is for librarians to find and add award-winning e-books to their library's digital collections using EBSCOhost Collection Manager (ECM) or GOBI. Alex also reviews the best-selling, award-winning e-books for academic institutions, adult readers and e-books that are independently or self-published.

See all Collection Quick Bite sessions by visiting our series webpage.

Check-out the companion information sheet for this session to learn more.

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EBSCO eBooks Collection Quick Bites: Curated Collections of Award Winning E-Books

Ref Link: https://www-ebsco-com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/resources/ebsco-ebooks-collection-quick-bites-curated-collections-award-winning-e-books

Hello and welcome to the EBSCO eBooks Collection Quick Bite Series. My name is Alex Arthun, and I'm a member of the EBSCO eBooks Collection Development Team.

EBSCO’s collection development librarians have curated several featured collections and spotlight lists of award winning titles to make it easy and convenient for librarians to find great e-books for their collections. All the collections are regularly reviewed and updated by the collection development team. All the curated collections featuring award winning titles that I will be discussing are available on both platforms and are updated annually.

Our collection of adult award winners contains titles that have won or been shortlisted for an award. These include awards like the National Book Award, the Pulitzer Prize, the Hugo Awards, the Edgar Awards, and the Andrew Carnegie Medal. It's a great place to start looking if you want to expand your popular and literary fiction and nonfiction collections.

Our collection of academic award winners contains award winning, high level academic titles in a variety of disciplines. These include awards such as the Ruth Benedict Award, the Prose Awards, the Royal Society Prize for Science Books Awards, the Modern Language Association Awards, and the Choice Outstanding Academic Titles. Although they are included in our collection of academic award winners, we have also specifically pulled out the Choice Outstanding Academic Titles into their own collection because they are so popular. EBSCOHost Collection Manager users have access to the Choice Outstanding Academic Title e-books going back over 20 years. GOBI users have access to the most recent year’s titles in both digital and print.

Our collection of Independent and Self Publisher Award winners is a great place to find high quality titles beyond the major mainstream trade and academic publishers. This collection features awards such as the Independent Publisher Book Awards, The Writers Digest Self-Published Book Award, The Forward INDIES, Book of the Year Award, and the Best Indie Book Award. If your library is focused on providing DRM-free e-books for your users, we have curated a collection of award winning titles that offer DRM-free accessibility. All titles in this collection have been identified as a Choice Outstanding Academic Title, a Doody’s Core Title, a GOBI Core Title or a PROSE winner or honorable mention.

Finally, we also have collections dedicated to award winning titles for children and young adults. Awards in these collections include the National Book Award for Young People's Literature, the Horn Book Award, and the major ALA Awards like the Newbery Medal, the Caldecott Medal, the Printz Award, the Coretta Scott King Award, the Stonewall Awards, and more.

Before we wrap up, I want to showcase some of the last year's best selling titles from some of our most popular award winning categories. While we only have time to highlight a few here, EBSCO has thousands of award winning e-books available to our customers.

There are a variety of ways to stay informed about all of our new e-book collections. Please check out the companion info sheet to this presentation for links to EBSCO Resources. Thank you for your time. I hope you have enjoyed this session of EBSCO eBooks Collection Quick Bites.

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