EBSCO eBooks and the Mobile App


Discover the quickest and easiest way to read EBSCO eBooks with the EBSCO Mobile App. As the library industry’s most accessible mobile app for library-circulated e-books, users have an effortless way to download and read EBSCO eBooks from any location with an Apple or Android device. 

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EBSCO eBooks and the Mobile App

Ref Link: https://www-ebsco-com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/resources/ebsco-ebooks-and-the-mobile-app

Are you ready to discover the quickest and easiest way to read EBSCO eBooks? 

Welcome to the EBSCO mobile app. 

Simply search for EBSCO Mobile from Google Play or the Apple App Store and download. 

You no longer need an Adobe ID to access your favorite e-books. Just sign in to your favorite library or use your location to find a library near you and start searching. Now, you're never far from the content you love. 

This is the library industry's most accessible mobile app designed to fit perfectly into your busy life. The intuitive interface makes it easy to see the number of copies available and like e-books for later reading. 

When you're ready, select a checkout link, download and start reading. Titles are automatically returned at the end of the checkout period, making your e-book experience simple and worry free. 

Download the free EBSCO mobile app today and enjoy the ultimate on-the-go library e-book experience. 

Want to learn more? Explore our companion guide or go to EBSCO Connect for detailed step-by-step instructions.

Transcripts are generated using a combination of speech recognition software and human transcribers, and may contain errors.