EBSCO eBook Manager


Now it’s easier than ever to view and manage your library's EBSCO eBooks holdings alongside access levels and usage with the new EBSCO eBook Manager. This new suite of e-book administration tools enables users to take advantage of comprehensive e-book download controls for individual titles but also enjoy a clear view of usage and simple paths to upgrades.

EBSCO eBook Manager gives your library the control it needs to make important decisions about your e-book collection in a single intuitive interface within EBSCOhost Collection Manager (ECM.)

Learn more at: more.ebsco.com/ebsco-ebook-manager.html

Transcript | Download

EBSCO eBook Manager

Ref Link: https://www-ebsco-com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/resources/ebsco-ebook-manager

Take your library's EBSCO eBook collections to new heights with the new EBSCO eBook Manager.

This administrative suite gives libraries fast and easy access to all EBSCO eBooks holdings in a single intuitive interface within EBSCO Collection Manager.

Now it's easier than ever to:

view and manage your library's entire collection of EBSCO eBooks, including subscriptions, DDA programs, and shared collections.

Search and sort by access model, purchase type, copies owned, date of access, CAM uses and renewal dates and more.

Plus, it's easy to filter results by eBooks available to upgrade to DRM-free.

View ownership and access information alongside usage and turnaway data to help make purchase and upgrade decisions.

Determine if current eBook access models are meeting demand and, if necessary, easily upgrade through EBSCO Collection Manager or GOBI.

Import a list of requested titles or ISBNs to verify ownership or make purchases.

Adjust download duration for each access model and easily ensure unlimited user titles are always downloadable.

Modify download settings by access model, individual title, or for your entire collection.

Blast off with the new EBSCO eBook Manager.

Contact your EBSCO representative for more information and set up instructions.

Transcripts are generated using a combination of speech recognition software and human transcribers, and may contain errors.