EBSCO Discovery Service Integrations


EBSCO Discovery Service offers integrations with features like LibGuides, Book Jackets and Library Chat systems, all seamlessly presented in the new EBSCO Discovery Service UI.

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EBSCO Discovery Service Integrations

Ref Link: https://www-ebsco-com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/resources/ebsco-discovery-service-integrations

Libraries are complex, and so are the platforms and systems that run behind the scenes.

EBSCO Discovery Service offers integrations to create an easier administrative experience and end user experience.

Library users benefit from the intricacies of products working together in perfect harmony and seamlessly presented in the EBSCO Discovery Service user interface.

Librarians can effortlessly configure integrations in EBSCO Experience Manager, our new administrative tool.

The result? A better user experience for all.

Library chat integrations connect with users in real time directly in the EBSCO Discovery Service UI.

Springshare App integrations present information and curated content instantly in the search results.

Cover images integrations draw users end to find specific content.

Linking integrations provide instant access to articles.

EBSCO is making huge strides in enabling functionality through configurations.

With new integrations planned and continuous rollouts EBSCO Discovery Service will offer a breadth of integrations and flexibility for all users.

Transcripts are generated using a combination of speech recognition software and human transcribers, and may contain errors.