EBSCO eBooks Religion Subscription Collection
Support the research needs of students and faculty in the study of religion. This e-book collection covers a broad range of religious subjects to help readers explore religious beliefs, faith, cultural systems and world views. Titles range from introductory text for undergraduate coursework to more complex works for advanced scholars.
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![ebooks religion collection darkness falls on the land of light cover image](/sites/default/files/acquiadam-assets/ebooks-religion-collection-darkness-falls-on-the-land-of-light-cover-image-140.png)
Darkness Falls on the Land of Light
![ebooks religion collection martin luther cover image](/sites/default/files/acquiadam-assets/ebooks-religion-collection-martin-luther-cover-image-140.png)
Martin Luther: Visionary Reformer
![ebooks religion collection women in christian tradition cover image](/sites/default/files/acquiadam-assets/ebooks-religion-collection-women-in-christian-tradition-cover-image-140.png)
Women in Christian Traditions
Gain Access to E-Books Across Many Topics:
- The Bible
- Buddhism
- Christian denominations
- Christianity
- Doctrinal theology
- Islam
- Judaism
- Philosophy and ethics
- Practical theology
- Religions, mythology, rationalism
- Religious history
Top University Presses, Academic Publishers and Reputable Religion Publishers Include:
- Catholic University of America Press
- Eisenbrauns (Penn State) - Near East and Biblical Studies
- Foundry Publishing – Christian
- InterVarsity Press – Christian
- Society of Biblical Literature – Christian/Interreligious
- University of Hawaii Press – Eastern Religions