Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center
Dallas, TX, USA
1 - 4 april 2025
Explore EBSCO Solutions
Featured Sessions
Wed, April 02 | 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM | D167-174
You know the power of storytelling. After all, you work in a building where you are surrounded by some of the best stories in the world. So why is it so hard for libraries to tell their own stories? The quest for library stories that have emotion and a compelling story arch perfect for library advocacy is more difficult than it sounds. But, in this session, you'll learn the critical connection between storytelling and long-term engagement of the community. Discover the benefits your library will see when you use stories to build trust with your community. Identify the characteristics that turn a good story into good marketing. And learn how to find and gather stories that will work for your marketing.
Angela Hursh
Manager, Engagement and Marketing
NoveList, a division of EBSCO Information Services -
Thu, April 03 | 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM | D162-164
Libraries all over the world have one thing in common (besides books). If you look at the mission statement of almost any library, you will find a sentence about equal access to information for all. The work of fulfilling that mission begins before a patron even walks in the door. Your library must ensure your marketing is welcoming and truly inviting by incorporating principles of accessibility, diversity, equity, and inclusion. In this session, you’ll learn how to create promotions that will engage all community members. Get actionable tips for how to incorporate inclusivity in everything you create, from social media graphics to program descriptions.
Angela Hursh
Manager, Engagement and Marketing
NoveList, a division of EBSCO Information Services