IPSWICH, Mass. — August 21, 2024 — The Golden Gate University Libraries (GGU) have selected FOLIO as their new Library Services Platform (LSP). GGU will work closely with EBSCO Information Services’ (EBSCO) FOLIO Implementation teams to get the open-source LSP up and running by late Spring 2025.
FOLIO can be integrated with external applications, and EBSCO will assist GGU in integrating FOLIO with the library's new and existing collections and services. To improve the end-user search experience, EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS) and OpenAthens ensure seamless accessibility and discovery of the library's resources. In addition to EDS and OpenAthens, GGU will leverage Panorama for library analytics, combining disparate library data and campus data sets to enable insights to help make data-informed decisions for their library.
Golden Gate University Libraries Executive Director James Krusling says adopting FOLIO is expected to streamline access to resources, improve search capabilities, and provide better support for students' academic endeavors. “Golden Gate University’s librarians and staff are very excited about this change and the improved student experience that will result from adopting FOLIO. We look forward to working closely with EBSCO throughout this transition to the open-source platform.”
EBSCO Information Services Director of SaaS Innovation, Kathy McCarthy, says GGU’s adoption of FOLIO will allow for better resource management. “Golden Gate University’s collection is almost entirely electronic, so making sure that their end users can easily explore, find, and use the most relevant online library resources was a priority when discussing FOLIO and its integrations. Golden Gate University will get the best of both worlds when integrating their new and existing products and services with the FOLIO platform.”
Current EBSCO FOLIO sites represent more than 200 libraries, including academic research libraries, consortia, shared systems, universities of all sizes, community colleges, and public institutions. EBSCO FOLIO Services consultants are located worldwide and provide services in multiple languages, offering more tailored implementation and data migration services to meet the diverse needs of every library. FOLIO’s collaborative nature allows libraries, vendors, and developers to create new services, enabling more accessible updates and faster development.
About EBSCO Information Services
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) is a leading provider of online research content and search technologies serving academic, school and public libraries; healthcare and medical institutions; corporations; and government agencies around the world. From research, acquisition management, subscription services and discovery to clinical decision support and patient care, learning, and research and development, EBSCO provides institutions with access to content and resources to serve the information and workflow needs of their users and organizations. For more information, visit the EBSCO website at: www.ebsco.com. Visit our blog at EBSCOpost or follow us on X, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.
For more information, please contact:
Erica Gilson
Senior Communications Specialist