EBSCO Information Services Reaches More Than 120,000 DRM-Free E-Books Titles with EBSCO eBooks™

~ More than 850,000 Titles Available Through GOBI® Library Solutions from EBSCO ~

IPSWICH, Mass. — October 3, 2018 — EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) continues its commitment to providing libraries and their patrons with access to high-quality e-book content by making more than 120,000 EBSCO eBooksDigital Rights Management (DRM) free. The DRM-free initiative reinforces EBSCO’s commitment to working with publishers to increase e-book options for libraries.

With DRM-free EBSCO eBooks, users can download either the full-book or unlimited chapters with no sign-in required, read them in any application and transfer them to any device. Users can select either PDF or EPUB for online viewing and download, and take advantage of Google Drive integration and smartphone/mobile optimization. EBSCO continues to invest in several accessibility initiatives for e-books, including enhanced linking to key content, improved keyboard navigation and working with publishers on best practices. With EBSCO eBooks, librarians have the choice between the DRM-free unlimited user version of a title or a limited user model with standard DRM-protection, enabling them to maximize their budgets and customize their collections to meet user demand. There are no access fees, platform fees, or service fees for EBSCO eBooks, and libraries can soon enjoy rapid MARC record delivery for cataloged titles within hours of purchase. For the EBSCO eBooks that remain DRM-protected, users can still easily download DRM-free chapters.

DRM-free EBSCO eBooks can be purchased on a title-by-title basis through preferred ordering services, including EBSCOhost® Collection Manager (ECM), OASIS® and GOBI®, the leading web-based acquisitions tool for academic libraries. GOBI offers more than 850,000 DRM-free titles to libraries and is the world’s largest source for DRM-free e-books for academic librarians.

EBSCO Information Services Senior Director of Product Management John Brennan says the increase in titles will further expand e-book options for libraries and enhance user experience. “EBSCO is dedicated to increasing options for libraries and their patrons, especially when it comes to providing high-quality, accessible e-book content. Together with our publisher partners, we’ve been able to reach the milestone of making more than 120,000 e-book titles available DRM-free – with many more to be available in the future.”

GOBI Library Solutions from EBSCO Chief Operating Officer Darby Kopp says the inclusion of DRM-free titles reinforces GOBI’s commitment to improving librarians’ workflow. “In GOBI, librarians can easily find and order DRM-free e-books across a multitude of e-book platforms and can do so within their current workflow. GOBI provides visibility, insights and control to optimize collection development decisions and our support of DRM-free is a key part of this value we deliver to our customers.”

EBSCO eBooks offers access to the world’s finest collection of e-book content, and is fully integrated with EBSCOhost® and EBSCO Discovery Service. In addition to thousands of DRM-free titles, EBSCO eBooks offers more than one million high-quality e-books and more than 120,000 audiobooks from more than 1,500 major academic publishers and University Presses from around the world.

For more information about DRM-free e-books from EBSCO eBooks, please visit: https://www-ebscohost-com.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/ebooks.

About EBSCO Information Services
EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) is the leading discovery service provider for libraries worldwide with more than 11,000 discovery customers in over 100 countries. EBSCO Discovery Service™ (EDS) provides each institution with a comprehensive, single search box for its entire collection, offering unparalleled relevance ranking quality and extensive customization. EBSCO is also the preeminent provider of online research content for libraries, including hundreds of research databases, historical archives, point-of-care medical reference, and corporate learning tools serving millions of end users at tens of thousands of institutions. EBSCO is the leading provider of electronic journals & books for libraries, with subscription management for more than 360,000 serials, including more than 57,000 e-journals, as well as online access to more than 1,000,000 e-books. For more information, visit the EBSCO website at: www.ebsco.com. EBSCO Information Services is a division of EBSCO Industries Inc., a family owned company since 1944.


For more information, please contact:
Jessica Holmes
Communications Director
(800) 653-2726 ext. 3485

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