752 = Total number of journals & magazines indexed and abstracted (348 are peer-reviewed )
599 = Total number of journals & magazines in full text (276 are peer-reviewed )
*Titles with 'Coming Soon' in the Availability column indicate that this publication was recently added to the database and therefore few or no articles are currently available. If the ‡ symbol is present, it indicates that 10% or more of the articles from this publication may not contain full text because the publisher is not the rights holder.
Publications included on this database are subject to change without notice due to contractual agreements with publishers. Coverage dates shown are the intended dates only and may not yet match those on the product. The numbers given at the top of this list reflect all titles, active and ceased. All coverage is cumulative. Due to third party ownership of full text, EBSCO Information Services is dependent on publisher publication schedules (and in some cases embargo periods) in order to produce full text on its products.
Source Type | ISSN | Publication Name | Publisher | Indexing and Abstracting Start | Indexing and Abstracting Stop | Full Text Start | Full Text Stop | Full Text Delay (Months) | Peer-Reviewed | PDF Images (full page) | Country | Availability* | MID |
Trade Publication | 0192-1304 | 20/20 | Jobson Healthcare Information LLC | 11/01/2006 | | 11/01/2006 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1G2E |
Trade Publication | 1091-1626 | 24x7 | MEDQOR | 03/01/2007 | | 03/01/2007 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2SIK |
Academic Journal | 2365-6271 | 3D Printing in Medicine | Springer Nature | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | K1BS |
Magazine | | 42 | HIMSS Europe GmbH | 05/01/2014 | 05/31/2014 | 05/01/2014 | 05/31/2014 | | | Y | Germany | Available Now | HB07 |
Magazine | 1937-2981 | AAME Executive Online | American Academy of Medical Administrators | 12/01/2013 | 04/15/2014 | 12/01/2013 | 04/15/2014 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | G9DG |
Academic Journal | 2465-2628 | AboutOpen | AboutScience Srl | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | | Italy | Coming Soon | MK36 |
Academic Journal | 1559-7628 | Academy of Health Care Management Journal | Jordan Whitney Enterprises, Inc. | 01/01/2006 | 06/30/2013 | 01/01/2006 | 06/30/2013 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 46JQ |
Academic Journal | 1079-5545 | Academy of Management Executive | Academy of Management | 05/01/1993 | 01/31/2006 | 05/01/1993 | 01/31/2006 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | EXE |
Academic Journal | 0896-3789 | Academy of Management Executive (08963789) | Academy of Management | 01/01/1987 | 01/31/1990 | 01/01/1987 | 01/31/1990 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | AUE5 |
Academic Journal | 0001-4273 | Academy of Management Journal | Academy of Management | 01/01/1985 | | 01/01/1985 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | AMJ |
Academic Journal | 1558-9080 | Academy of Management Perspectives | Academy of Management | 02/01/2006 | | 02/01/2006 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1H50 |
Academic Journal | 0363-7425 | Academy of Management Review | Academy of Management | 01/01/1985 | | 01/01/1985 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | AMX |
Trade Publication | 1551-9023 | Access Management Journal | National Association of Healthcare Access Management | 12/01/2012 | 09/30/2014 | 12/01/2012 | 09/30/2014 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | AWN6 |
Magazine | | Achieve - Celebrating ABWA's Women in Business | ABWA Management LLC | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NO4K |
Trade Publication | | Ad Age | Crain Communications | 09/25/2017 | | 09/25/2017 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | NCWE |
Magazine | 1052-4614 | Addiction & Recovery | Vendome Group LLC | 01/01/1992 | 12/31/1993 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | ADR |
Academic Journal | 0001-8392 | Administrative Science Quarterly | Administrative Science Quarterly | 01/01/1985 | | 01/01/1985 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ASQ |
Trade Publication | 0001-8899 | Advertising Age | Crain Communications | 07/01/1990 | 09/11/2017 | 06/10/1996 | 09/11/2017 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | ADV |
Trade Publication | 0891-6608 | AHA News | Health Forum | 01/01/1995 | 12/17/2016 | 01/01/1995 | 12/17/2016 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | AHA |
Academic Journal | 0899-9546 | AIDS Education & Prevention | Guilford Publications Inc. | 03/01/1989 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 10F |
Magazine | 1042-1394 | Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Weekly | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1994 | | 01/01/1994 | | 12 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ADW |
Magazine | 0163-4089 | American Demographics | Crain Communications | 01/01/1992 | 11/30/2004 | 01/01/1992 | 11/30/2004 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | AMD |
Academic Journal | 0569-4345 | American Economist | Sage Publications | 01/01/1985 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | AEC |
Academic Journal | 2473-9669 | American Journal of Accountable Care | MJH Life Sciences | 06/01/2023 | | 06/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N7V7 |
Academic Journal | 2332-3493 | American Journal of Health Economics | University of Chicago Press | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2020 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HR86 |
Academic Journal | 0271-3586 | American Journal of Industrial Medicine | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2007 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | NK4 |
Academic Journal | 0090-0036 | American Journal of Public Health | American Public Health Association | 01/01/1975 | | 01/01/1985 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | APH |
Academic Journal | 0363-5465 | American Journal of Sports Medicine | Sage Publications | 01/01/1992 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | ASM |
Academic Journal | 0003-1224 | American Sociological Review | Sage Publications | 02/01/1936 | | 02/01/1936 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ASC |
Academic Journal | 0003-1305 | American Statistician | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/1965 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | STT |
Magazine | 1525-2221 | Annuity Market News | Arizent | 07/01/1999 | 01/31/2008 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 5PR |
Academic Journal | 1064-8542 | Applied Clinical Trials | MJH Life Sciences | 01/01/2000 | | 01/01/2000 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5NM |
Magazine | 1935-7001 | Architect | Hanley Wood Media, Inc. DBA Zonda Media | 11/01/2006 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 31W4 |
Academic Journal | 1933-8244 | Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2005 | | 01/01/2005 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2R0X |
Academic Journal | 0003-9896 | Archives of Environmental Health | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1975 | 12/31/2004 | 01/01/1985 | 12/31/2004 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | AEI |
Academic Journal | 2320-5210 | Archives of Pharmacy Practice | Archives of Pharmacy Practice | 05/01/2011 | | 05/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BCT3 |
Magazine | | ARMA Magazine | Association of Records Managers & Administrators | 01/01/2019 | 07/02/2019 | 01/01/2019 | 07/02/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MAPF |
Academic Journal | 1833-3818 | Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management | Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management | 10/01/2010 | | 10/01/2010 | | | Y | Y | Australia | Available Now | 46NK |
Magazine | | Asian Hospital & Healthcare Management | FFC Information Solution Pvt, Ltd. (dba Content Victim) | 07/01/2015 | 06/30/2016 | 07/01/2015 | 06/30/2016 | | | | India | Available Now | FAP1 |
Academic Journal | 1819-5164 | Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law & Policy | National Taiwan University, College of Law, Asian Center for WTO & International Health Law & Policy | 01/01/2010 | | 01/01/2010 | | | Y | Y | Taiwan | Available Now | AZ6B |
Academic Journal | 1073-8568 | Assessment Journal | International Association of Assessing Officers | 07/01/1996 | 10/31/2003 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | ASJ |
Magazine | 1836-7348 | Australian Ageing Agenda | Communico Media | 06/01/2009 | 02/25/2015 | | | | | | Australia | Available Now | 8NYP |
Academic Journal | 0311-6336 | Australian Bulletin of Labour | National Institute of Labour Studies | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2017 | 01/01/2005 | 01/31/2017 | | Y | Y | Australia | Available Now | SK1 |
Trade Publication | 1099-3398 | Bank Loan Report | Arizent | 01/01/1999 | 12/31/2010 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 0KQ |
Magazine | 1075-6701 | Behavioral Health Management | HMP Global | 01/01/1994 | 12/31/2005 | 01/01/1994 | 12/31/2005 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BEH |
Magazine | 1931-7093 | Behavioral Healthcare | HMP Global | 01/01/2006 | 07/31/2018 | 01/01/2009 | 07/31/2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1YFB |
Magazine | 1550-4190 | Benefits & Compensation Digest | International Foundation of Employee Benefits | 07/01/2004 | 12/31/2010 | 07/01/2004 | 12/31/2010 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 9NZ |
Magazine | 0703-7732 | Benefits Canada | Contex Group Inc. | 08/01/1997 | | 03/01/2023 | | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | 1JH |
Magazine | 2157-6157 | Benefits Magazine | International Foundation of Employee Benefits | 01/01/2011 | | 01/01/2011 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BKLG |
Trade Publication | 1527-5914 | Best's Review | AM Best Company Inc. | 01/01/2000 | | 01/01/2000 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 73R |
Trade Publication | 0005-9706 | Best's Review / Life-Health Insurance Edition | AM Best Company Inc. | 07/01/1993 | 12/31/1999 | 07/01/1993 | 12/31/1999 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BHL |
Trade Publication | 1933-3943 | Big Business for Not-So-Big Hospitals | Healthcare Financial Management Association | 10/01/2007 | 04/30/2008 | 10/01/2007 | 04/30/2008 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 38AN |
Academic Journal | 0269-9702 | Bioethics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1998 | | 01/01/1998 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 6PJ |
Magazine | 1064-4180 | Biomedical Market Newsletter | Biomedical Market Newsletter, Inc. | 11/01/2010 | 01/30/2020 | 11/01/2010 | 01/30/2020 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 38LZ |
Trade Publication | 1542-166X | BioPharm International | MJH Life Sciences | 07/01/2001 | | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 5NE |
Trade Publication | 1548-7652 | Bioscience Technology | Advantage Business Media | 02/01/2007 | 05/31/2016 | 02/01/2007 | 05/31/2016 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 30BU |
Trade Publication | 0899-5702 | Biotech Business | Worldwide Videotex | 06/30/1999 | | 07/01/1999 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1NX |
Trade Publication | | Biotech Equipment Update | Worldwide Videotex | 07/01/1999 | | 07/01/1999 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5YM |
Trade Publication | | Biotech Financial Reports | Worldwide Videotex | 07/01/1999 | | 07/01/1999 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5YN |
Academic Journal | | Blockchain in Healthcare Today (BHTY) | Partners in Digital Health | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N3Q9 |
Magazine | 0007-7135 | Bloomberg Businessweek | Bloomberg, L.P. | 04/26/2010 | | 04/26/2010 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B7OA |
Magazine | | Bloomberg.com | Bloomberg, L.P. | 12/01/2009 | | 12/01/2009 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | B8G5 |
Trade Publication | 0732-0469 | Bond Buyer | Arizent | 07/01/1997 | | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1QD |
Magazine | 0273-7434 | Bowhunter | KSE Sportsman Media, Inc. | 12/30/1996 | 12/31/2001 | 12/30/1996 | 12/31/2001 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BWH |
Academic Journal | | British Journal of Healthcare Computing | HIMSS Europe GmbH | 04/01/2011 | 04/30/2011 | 04/01/2011 | 04/30/2011 | | | | Germany | Coming Soon | FCMP |
Academic Journal | 1749-4044 | British Journal of Healthcare Computing & Information Management | HIMSS Europe GmbH | 06/01/2010 | 03/31/2011 | 06/01/2010 | 03/31/2011 | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | GYH |
Magazine | 0745-1253 | Brookings Review | Brookings Institution Press | 01/01/1990 | 09/30/2003 | 03/01/1990 | 09/30/2003 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BRR |
Academic Journal | 1527-8395 | Brown University Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology Update | Wiley-Blackwell | 08/01/1999 | | 08/01/1999 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | EK2 |
Academic Journal | 1529-2584 | Brown University Geriatric Psychopharmacology Update | Wiley-Blackwell | 04/01/2000 | 04/30/2011 | 04/01/2000 | 04/30/2011 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | F4M |
Magazine | 1095-1083 | Brown University Long-Term Care Quality Advisor | HCPro | 04/29/1996 | 02/29/2000 | 04/29/1996 | 02/29/2000 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BUQ |
Magazine | 1088-9248 | Brown University Long-Term Care Quality Letter | HCPro | 07/01/1994 | 04/15/1996 | 07/01/1994 | 04/15/1996 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BUL |
Academic Journal | 1068-5308 | Brown University Psychopharmacology Update | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1994 | | 01/01/1994 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | PUP |
Trade Publication | | Bulletin of the Case Management Society of Australia | Case Management Society of Australia | 12/01/2007 | 06/30/2009 | 12/01/2007 | 06/30/2009 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 3LF5 |
Academic Journal | 0042-9686 | Bulletin of the World Health Organization | World Health Organization | 01/01/1993 | | 01/01/1993 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | BUW |
Magazine | 1837-8161 | BusiDate | Warringal Publications | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | AZ9E |
Magazine | 1538-1730 | Business 2.0 | Meredith Corporation | 07/01/2000 | 10/31/2007 | 11/01/2002 | 10/31/2007 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 5VU |
Trade Publication | 0190-6275 | Business America | US Department of Commerce | 07/01/1993 | 09/30/1998 | 07/12/1993 | 09/30/1998 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BAM |
Trade Publication | 0162-3885 | Business Communications Review | UBM Tech Web | 07/01/1993 | 12/31/2007 | 07/01/1993 | 12/31/2007 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BCM |
Trade Publication | 0897-0181 | Business Credit | National Association of Credit Management, Inc. | 07/01/1993 | | 07/01/1996 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BCR |
Academic Journal | 0007-666X | Business Economics | Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. | 01/01/1990 | | 01/01/1990 | 12/09/2011 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BEC |
Trade Publication | 1524-3583 | Business Entities | Research Institute of America | 03/01/1999 | 07/31/2016 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 5OQ |
Magazine | 1521-4818 | Business Finance | Endeavor Business Media | 06/01/2004 | 09/30/2011 | 06/01/2004 | 09/30/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | EE2 |
Academic Journal | 0733-2408 | Business Forum | California State University, Los Angeles | 01/01/1985 | 02/28/2006 | 01/01/1985 | 02/28/2006 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BUF |
Academic Journal | 0007-6813 | Business Horizons | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/1985 | | 01/01/1985 | 12/31/2001 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BHZ |
Magazine | 0007-6864 | Business Insurance | Crain Communications | 07/01/1993 | 08/30/2016 | 09/09/1996 | 08/30/2016 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BIN |
Magazine | 0894-5675 | Business Journal (Central New York) | Central New York Business Review | 01/08/1999 | 01/10/2022 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 5PM |
Trade Publication | 1079-7394 | Business Journal Serving Fresno & the Central San Joaquin Valley | Pacific Publishing Group | 08/01/1997 | | 08/01/1997 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FBJ |
Magazine | 1050-3005 | Business Journal Serving Southern Tier, CNY, Mohawk Valley, Finger Lakes, North | Central New York Business Review | 07/01/1993 | 12/21/1998 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CNB |
Magazine | 1087-0229 | Business News New Jersey | Bridge Tower Media Holding Company d/b/a Bridge Tower Media | 09/20/1995 | 06/09/2002 | 09/20/1995 | 06/09/2002 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BNN |
Magazine | | Business Press: Serving Southern Nevada | Las Vegas Review Journal, Inc. | 09/13/2004 | 06/05/2005 | 09/13/2004 | 06/05/2005 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 17U |
Magazine | 0007-6996 | Business Quarterly | Ivey Business School Foundation | 03/01/1990 | 12/31/1997 | 03/01/1990 | 12/31/1997 | | | | Canada | Available Now | BQT |
Academic Journal | 0007-7011 | Business Review (Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia) | Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia | 01/01/1990 | 12/31/2015 | 01/01/1990 | 12/31/2015 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FPH |
Magazine | 1320-971X | Businessdate | Warringal Publications | 01/01/1994 | 12/31/2007 | 01/01/1994 | 12/31/2007 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | BUS |
Magazine | 0007-7135 | BusinessWeek | Bloomberg, L.P. | 12/30/1996 | 12/31/2001 | 12/30/1996 | 12/31/2001 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BWK |
Magazine | 2162-657X | BusinessWeek Online | Bloomberg, L.P. | 07/16/2001 | 11/30/2009 | 07/16/2001 | 11/30/2009 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FV2 |
Magazine | 1049-9822 | BusinessWest | Business West | 07/01/1993 | | 07/01/1993 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | WMB |
Academic Journal | 0008-1256 | California Management Review | California Management Review | 01/01/1985 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | CMW |
Magazine | 0008-3100 | Canadian Business | St. Joseph Communications | 01/01/1990 | 01/31/2017 | 05/01/1990 | 01/31/2017 | | | | Canada | Available Now | CBU |
Academic Journal | 0825-0383 | Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences (Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences) | Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences | 03/01/1997 | 07/19/2009 | 03/01/1997 | 07/19/2009 | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | 1K4 |
Academic Journal | 0825-0383 | Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) | Wiley-Blackwell | 09/01/2009 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | B4ZT |
Trade Publication | 0045-5156 | Canadian Manager | Canadian Institute of Management | 01/01/1990 | 10/31/2022 | 01/01/1999 | 10/31/2022 | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | CMG |
Academic Journal | 0889-4019 | Career Development Quarterly | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/1990 | | 03/01/1990 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | CDQ |
Trade Publication | | Career Outlook | Bureau of Labor Statistics | 09/01/2014 | | 09/01/2014 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | IQRP |
Trade Publication | 8756-7113 | CFO | Industry Dive | 01/01/1994 | 04/30/2021 | 01/01/1994 | 04/30/2021 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CFO |
Academic Journal | 0009-4021 | Child Welfare | Child Welfare League of America | 01/01/1990 | | 01/01/1990 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CWF |
Trade Publication | 1041-2360 | Chiropractic Products | MEDQOR | 03/01/2007 | 12/31/2008 | 03/01/2007 | 12/31/2008 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2SI8 |
Magazine | 1535-0096 | CIO Insight | TechnologyAdvice, LLC | 06/01/2002 | | 06/01/2002 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KXQ |
Magazine | 1532-0391 | Click (1532-0391) | American Association for Physician Leadership, Inc. | 01/01/2002 | 04/30/2005 | 01/01/2002 | 04/30/2005 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | HJY |
Trade Publication | 1059-3470 | Client Server Computing | King Content | 07/01/1996 | 06/30/1997 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CIC |
Academic Journal | 1073-6379 | Clinical Data Management | Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory | 01/01/1999 | 03/31/2000 | 01/01/1999 | 03/31/2000 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | IIA |
Trade Publication | 0192-1282 | Clinical Lab Products | MEDQOR | 03/01/2007 | | 03/01/2007 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2SI9 |
Trade Publication | 1207-5183 | CMA Magazine | CPA Canada | 01/01/1990 | 12/31/1998 | 01/01/1990 | 12/31/1998 | | | | Canada | Available Now | CMA |
Trade Publication | 1926-4550 | CMA Magazine (1926-4550) | CPA Canada | 12/01/2010 | 12/31/2013 | 12/01/2010 | 12/31/2013 | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | DK4G |
Trade Publication | 1490-4225 | CMA Management | CPA Canada | 01/01/1999 | 11/30/2010 | 01/01/1999 | 11/30/2010 | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | 5PN |
Magazine | 1093-3247 | COBRA Advisory | Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory | 01/01/1999 | 09/30/2002 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 8RK |
Magazine | 0898-6363 | Colorado Business Magazine | WiesnerMedia, LLC. | 07/01/1993 | 12/31/1998 | 07/01/1993 | 12/31/1998 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CBS |
Magazine | 0960-376X | Community Pharmacy | UBM Information Ltd. | 01/01/2002 | 02/28/2006 | 01/01/2002 | 02/28/2006 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BTK |
Academic Journal | 1059-5422 | Competitiveness Review | Emerald Publishing Limited | 03/01/1997 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1KB |
Magazine | 0010-7174 | Consumer Reports | Consumer Reports, Inc. | 01/01/1984 | | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CRP |
Magazine | 1058-0832 | Consumer Reports on Health | Consumer Reports, Inc. | 01/01/1992 | 06/30/2026 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CRH |
Magazine | 0095-2222 | Consumers' Research Magazine | Consumers Research Magazine | 01/01/1985 | 02/29/2004 | 05/01/1990 | 02/29/2004 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CRE |
Trade Publication | 1554-8805 | Contemporary Dental Assisting | Broadcastmed LLC | 03/01/2007 | 12/31/2007 | 03/01/2007 | 12/31/2007 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2SIM |
Trade Publication | 1530-6224 | Contract | Emerald Expositions | 04/01/2002 | 07/31/2020 | 04/01/2002 | 07/31/2020 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | J02 |
Trade Publication | 1544-3469 | Contract Pharma | Rodman Media | 07/01/2009 | | 07/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3FO3 |
Trade Publication | 0746-8652 | Corporate Board | Vanguard Publications | 01/01/1990 | 09/30/2019 | 01/01/1990 | 06/30/2003 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CRR |
Trade Publication | 1534-715X | Corporate Taxation | Research Institute of America | 01/01/2001 | 01/31/2017 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | DFS |
Trade Publication | 1094-6810 | Cosmetic Surgery Times | Advanstar Communications Inc. | 09/01/2001 | 12/31/2012 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | HBX |
Trade Publication | 0149-6956 | Crain's Chicago Business | Crain Communications | 07/01/1993 | | 07/08/1996 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CCH |
Trade Publication | 0197-2375 | Crain's Cleveland Business | Crain Communications | 07/01/1993 | | 07/01/1996 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CCB |
Trade Publication | 0882-1992 | Crain's Detroit Business | Crain Communications | 07/01/1993 | | 07/01/1996 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CDS |
Magazine | 8756-789X | Crain's New York Business | Crain Communications | 07/01/1993 | | 07/01/1996 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CNY |
Magazine | 1078-3296 | Crain's Small Business -- Chicago Edition | Crain Communications | 07/01/1996 | 09/30/1997 | 07/01/1996 | 09/30/1997 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CSB |
Magazine | 1086-7074 | Crain's Small Business -- New York / Westchester | Crain Communications | 07/01/1996 | 09/30/1996 | 07/01/1996 | 09/30/1996 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CBI |
Magazine | 1081-8782 | Crain's Small Business -- Southeast Michigan Edition | Crain Communications | 07/01/1996 | 08/31/1997 | 07/01/1996 | 08/31/1997 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CBM |
Trade Publication | 0143-5329 | Credit Control | House of Words Media Ltd. | 01/01/1997 | | 01/01/1997 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 0M1 |
Trade Publication | 0265-2099 | Credit Management | Chartered Institute of Credit Management | 07/01/1997 | | 01/01/2002 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1KI |
Trade Publication | 0011-1074 | Credit World | American Collectors Association | 01/01/1990 | 03/01/1999 | 01/01/1990 | 03/01/1999 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | CWO |
Magazine | 0162-4105 | Database | Information Today Inc. | 07/01/1993 | 07/31/1999 | 07/01/1993 | 07/31/1999 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DBS |
Academic Journal | 0748-1187 | Death Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/01/1993 | | 07/01/1993 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | DEA |
Magazine | 2637-5052 | Defense Acquisition | Defense Acquisition University | 09/01/2018 | | 09/01/2018 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LUJR |
Magazine | 1547-5476 | Defense AT&L | Defense Acquisition University | 01/01/2004 | 08/31/2018 | 01/01/2004 | 08/31/2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | W5T |
Academic Journal | 0070-3370 | Demography (Duke University Press) | Duke University Press | 02/01/2021 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | MO17 |
Academic Journal | 0070-3370 | Demography (Springer Nature) | Springer Nature | 02/01/1964 | 12/31/2020 | 06/01/2000 | 12/31/2020 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | DEM |
Magazine | 0827-1305 | Dental Practice Management | MJH Life Sciences | 11/01/2002 | 12/31/2012 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 0CQ |
Magazine | 2150-6728 | Dermatology Coding Alert | American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) | 04/01/2010 | 01/31/2013 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | B3X4 |
Academic Journal | 2473-5132 | Design for Health | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2016 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | KI4N |
Magazine | 0012-3242 | Director | Director Publications Ltd. | 01/01/1995 | 04/30/2020 | 01/01/1995 | 04/30/2020 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | DRC |
Academic Journal | 1173-8790 | Disease Management & Health Outcomes | Springer Nature | 01/01/1998 | 12/31/2008 | 01/01/1998 | 12/31/2008 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | C4Y |
Academic Journal | 1074-8105 | Dispute Resolution Journal | American Arbitration Association Inc. | 12/01/1993 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | DRJ |
Magazine | 0046-0451 | Doctor | Elsevier B.V. | 03/01/2003 | 12/31/2007 | 08/01/2003 | 12/31/2007 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | O3U |
Magazine | 0012-5245 | Dollars & Sense | Dollars & Sense | 07/01/1996 | | 01/01/1998 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DLA |
Academic Journal | 0363-9045 | Drug Development & Industrial Pharmacy | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1999 | | 01/01/1999 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KUA |
Trade Publication | 0191-7587 | Drug Store News | EnsembleIQ | 01/01/1995 | 04/01/2020 | 01/01/1995 | 06/16/2002 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DRU |
Trade Publication | 0012-6616 | Drug Topics | MJH Life Sciences | 07/01/1993 | | 12/01/2004 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | DTO |
Magazine | 2470-2692 | E/M Coding Alert | American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) | 07/01/2013 | 10/31/2019 | 07/01/2013 | 10/31/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FXR1 |
Academic Journal | 1936-4326 | Economic & Financial Policy Review | Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas | 01/01/2002 | 03/31/2004 | 01/01/2002 | 03/31/2004 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 15O9 |
Academic Journal | 1526-3940 | Economic & Financial Review | Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas | 03/01/1999 | 12/31/2001 | 03/01/1999 | 12/31/2001 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 6EA |
Magazine | 0013-0125 | Economic Indicators | Superintendent of Documents | 07/01/1993 | | 06/01/1996 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | EID |
Academic Journal | 1932-0426 | Economic Policy Review (19320426) | Federal Reserve Bank of New York | 01/01/1995 | | 01/01/1995 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FNE |
Academic Journal | 1069-7225 | Economic Quarterly (10697225) | Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond | 01/01/1993 | 10/31/2020 | 01/01/1993 | 10/31/2020 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FRI |
Academic Journal | 0094-6893 | Economic Review (00946893) | Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond | 01/01/1990 | 12/31/1992 | 01/01/1990 | 12/31/1992 | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | EOR |
Academic Journal | 0161-2387 | Economic Review (01612387) | Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City | 01/01/1994 | | 01/01/1994 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KCQ |
Academic Journal | 0363-0021 | Economic Review (03630021) | Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco | 01/01/1995 | 04/09/2010 | 06/01/1996 | 04/09/2010 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ECV |
Academic Journal | 0732-1414 | Economic Review (07321414) | Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas | 01/01/1995 | 05/31/1999 | 07/01/1996 | 05/31/1999 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FRD |
Academic Journal | 0732-1813 | Economic Review (07321813) | Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta | 01/01/1995 | 09/30/2010 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | FRA |
Academic Journal | 1822-3346 | Economics & Rural Development | Vytautas Magnus University | 11/01/2012 | 07/31/2014 | 11/01/2012 | 07/31/2014 | | Y | Y | Lithuania | Available Now | FDBC |
Magazine | | eHEALTH | FFC Information Solution Pvt, Ltd. (dba Content Victim) | 01/01/2013 | 10/31/2016 | 09/01/2013 | 10/31/2016 | | | Y | India | Available Now | FAOA |
Trade Publication | 1945-9599 | EHS Today | Endeavor Business Media | 11/01/2008 | | 11/01/2008 | | 3 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8BBC |
Academic Journal | 1446-4381 | Electronic Journal of Health Informatics | Electronic Journal of Health Informatics | 07/01/2014 | 07/01/2014 | 07/01/2014 | 07/01/2014 | | Y | Y | Australia | Available Now | 77Y9 |
Magazine | 1548-8829 | Eli's Home Care Week | American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) | 04/01/2010 | 06/04/2018 | 04/01/2010 | 06/04/2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B1W5 |
Magazine | 1947-170X | Eli's Hospice Insider | American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) | 04/01/2010 | 01/31/2013 | 04/01/2010 | 01/31/2013 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B1W6 |
Magazine | 1549-6775 | Eli's OASIS Alert | American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) | 04/01/2010 | 02/28/2013 | 04/01/2010 | 02/28/2013 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B1W7 |
Trade Publication | 2152-3649 | EMDT: European Medical Device Technology | United Business Media | 01/01/2010 | 06/30/2015 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | BC2K |
Magazine | 1044-6265 | Employee Benefit News | Arizent | 01/01/1999 | | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 0MB |
Magazine | 1366-8722 | Employee Benefits | Centaur Communications | 09/01/2001 | 05/31/2020 | 09/01/2001 | 01/31/2016 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | E6W |
Magazine | 0361-4050 | Employee Benefits Journal | International Foundation of Employee Benefits | 01/01/1993 | 06/30/2004 | 03/01/1993 | 06/30/2004 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | EBJ |
Academic Journal | 0098-8898 | Employee Relations Law Journal | Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory | 03/01/1993 | | 01/01/2002 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | IWO |
Academic Journal | 0892-7545 | Employee Responsibilities & Rights Journal | Springer Nature | 03/01/1988 | | 03/01/1988 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | ERG |
Magazine | | Enterprise / Salt Lake City | City Journals | 01/30/1995 | 08/14/2023 | 01/30/1995 | 08/14/2023 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SLC |
Academic Journal | 1040-6026 | Environmental Claims Journal | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2004 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8S0 |
Academic Journal | 0091-6765 | Environmental Health Perspectives | National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences | 01/01/1999 | | 01/01/1999 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3B5 |
Magazine | 1078-0475 | Environmental Health Perspectives Supplements | Superintendent of Documents | 01/01/1993 | 12/31/2002 | 01/01/1995 | 12/31/2002 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | EHP |
Academic Journal | 2045-7960 | Epidemiology & Psychiatric Science | Cambridge University Press | 01/01/2019 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BDUA |
Magazine | 1053-2544 | Equities | Equities Global Communications, Inc. | 01/01/1994 | 02/28/2010 | 01/01/1994 | 02/28/2010 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | EES |
Magazine | | Equities Special Situations | Equities Global Communications, Inc. | 01/01/1994 | 11/30/2008 | 01/01/1994 | 11/30/2008 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | EQS |
Magazine | 1932-9075 | ESR Review | ESR Review | 07/01/2006 | 12/31/2008 | 07/01/2006 | 12/31/2008 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 37F5 |
Academic Journal | 0266-688X | Ethics & Medicine: An International Journal of Bioethics | Trinity International University | 03/01/2005 | | 03/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QNK |
Academic Journal | 1085-6633 | Ethics & the Environment | Indiana University Press | 01/01/1999 | | 01/01/1999 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FL8 |
Academic Journal | 0929-0273 | European Journal of Health Law | Brill Academic Publishers | 12/01/1996 | | 12/01/1996 | | 36 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | N0J |
Academic Journal | 0168-6577 | European Journal of Population | Springer Nature | 02/01/2003 | | 01/01/2004 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | GG4 |
Magazine | 1743-5536 | European Pharmaceutical Executive | Advanstar Communications Inc. | 03/01/2005 | 11/30/2007 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1CP |
Academic Journal | 0886-1633 | Evaluation Practice | Sage Publications, Ltd. | 07/01/1996 | 09/30/1997 | 07/01/1996 | 09/30/1997 | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | EVT |
Academic Journal | 1938-9779 | Executive (19389779) | Academy of Management | 02/01/1990 | 04/30/1993 | 02/01/1990 | 04/30/1993 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | AUE6 |
Trade Publication | 1048-2954 | Executive Edge Newsletter | Select Press | 07/01/1996 | 08/31/1997 | 07/01/1996 | 08/31/1997 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | EXN |
Magazine | 8756-2308 | Executive Excellence | HR.com, Inc. | 07/01/1997 | 12/31/2004 | 01/01/1999 | 12/31/2004 | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | 0MR |
Trade Publication | 0199-2880 | Executive Female (0199-2880) | National Association for Female Executives | 01/01/1994 | 10/31/1997 | 01/01/1994 | 10/31/1997 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | EFM |
Magazine | 1071-8680 | Executive Health's Good Health Report | Institute for Medical Information | 01/01/1992 | 11/30/1999 | 01/01/1994 | 11/30/1999 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | EXH |
Magazine | 0279-1382 | Executive Report | Greater Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce | 01/01/1994 | 03/31/1998 | 01/01/1994 | 03/31/1998 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | EXR |
Magazine | 0888-4110 | Executive Speeches | McMurry Inc. | 06/01/1996 | 11/30/2005 | 06/01/1996 | 11/30/2005 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | EIS |
Magazine | | Express Healthcare | FFC Information Solution Pvt, Ltd. (dba Content Victim) | 01/01/2013 | 06/30/2016 | 01/01/2013 | 06/30/2016 | | | | India | Available Now | B6PF |
Magazine | 1090-7475 | FacilityCare | Columbia Books LLC | 05/01/2009 | 10/31/2012 | 05/01/2009 | 10/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8O0C |
Magazine | 1527-8301 | Family Practice Coding Alert | American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) | 04/01/2010 | 01/31/2013 | 04/01/2010 | 01/31/2013 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B1W9 |
Magazine | 0362-1332 | FDA Consumer | Food & Drug Administration | 01/01/1985 | 04/30/2007 | 06/01/1990 | 04/30/2007 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FDA |
Academic Journal | 0895-4186 | Financial Executive | Financial Executives International | 01/01/1987 | 12/31/2016 | 01/01/1987 | 12/31/2016 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FEX |
Academic Journal | 0046-3892 | Financial Management (1972) | Financial Management Association | 01/01/1985 | 03/31/1988 | 01/01/1985 | 03/31/1988 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2Q6H |
Academic Journal | 0046-3892 | Financial Management (Wiley-Blackwell) | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/2000 | | 03/01/2000 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FMG |
Trade Publication | 0378-651X | Financial Market Trends | Organisation for Economic Cooperation & Development | 08/01/2002 | 12/31/2007 | | | | | | France | Available Now | FMT |
Magazine | 0746-7915 | Financial Planning | Arizent | 07/01/1997 | | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1KY |
Academic Journal | 0732-8516 | Financial Review | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/1993 | | 08/01/1993 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | FRW |
Academic Journal | 1057-0810 | Financial Services Review | Academy of Financial Services | 06/01/1991 | | 06/01/1991 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FSW |
Trade Publication | 0899-6563 | Financial Update | Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta | 07/01/1996 | 07/01/2015 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FIU |
Academic Journal | 1087-7827 | FM: The Journal of the Financial Management Association | Financial Management Association | 06/01/1988 | 12/31/1999 | 06/01/1988 | 12/31/1999 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2Q6G |
Academic Journal | 2204-7662 | Focus on Health Professional Education (2204-7662) | ANZAHPE: Australian & New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators | 04/01/2014 | | 04/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Australia | Available Now | KIV1 |
Trade Publication | 1941-8531 | Food & Beverage Packaging | BNP Media | 01/01/2008 | 05/31/2015 | 01/01/2008 | 05/31/2015 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5F0Y |
Trade Publication | 1085-2077 | Food & Drug Packaging | BNP Media | 03/01/2007 | 12/31/2007 | 03/01/2007 | 12/31/2007 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BVQ |
Magazine | 0046-4384 | Food & Nutrition (0046-4384) | United States Department of Agriculture | 01/01/1990 | 08/31/1993 | 01/01/1990 | 08/31/1993 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FNU |
Magazine | 1094-7450 | Food Logistics | AC Business Media | 07/01/2000 | 12/01/2017 | 07/01/2000 | 12/01/2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 6WR |
Trade Publication | 0897-7208 | FoodService Director | Winsight LLC | 01/01/1997 | | 01/01/1997 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 02W |
Magazine | 0015-6914 | Forbes | Forbes Inc. | 01/01/1990 | | 01/01/1990 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FRB |
Magazine | 1078-9901 | Forbes ASAP | Forbes Inc. | 12/05/1994 | 10/31/2002 | 12/05/1994 | 10/31/2002 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 91JC |
Magazine | 1066-9205 | Forbes FYI | Forbes Inc. | 10/01/1990 | 03/31/2006 | 10/01/1990 | 03/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 968E |
Magazine | | Forbes Life | Forbes Inc. | 04/01/2006 | 12/31/2014 | 04/01/2006 | 12/31/2014 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 968F |
Magazine | | Forbes.com | Forbes Inc. | 03/01/2010 | | 03/01/2010 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | B3X1 |
Academic Journal | 1082-801X | Formulary | MJH Life Sciences | 05/01/1995 | 12/31/2013 | 10/01/1999 | 12/31/2013 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FRM |
Magazine | 2767-3359 | Formulary Watch | MJH Life Sciences | 05/01/2020 | | 05/01/2020 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MD2F |
Magazine | | Fortune.com | Fortune Media (USA) Corporation | 10/01/2013 | | 10/01/2013 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | B60K |
Trade Publication | 0890-927X | FRBSF Economic Letter | Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco | 03/29/1996 | | 03/29/1996 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FEL |
Trade Publication | 0890-927X | FRBSF Weekly Letter | Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco | 01/01/1995 | 03/08/1996 | 08/01/1995 | 03/08/1996 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FWL |
Academic Journal | 0748-8157 | Frontiers of Health Services Management | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 07/01/1997 | | 09/01/2001 | 12/31/2016 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 0N7 |
Trade Publication | 0016-268X | Fund Raising Management | Hoke Communications Inc. | 01/01/1993 | 10/31/2002 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FND |
Magazine | 1527-831X | Gastroenterology Coding Alert | American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) | 04/01/2010 | 02/28/2019 | 04/01/2010 | 02/28/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B1WA |
Trade Publication | 1753-9773 | General Practice Update | Elsevier B.V. | 10/01/2007 | 09/30/2009 | 10/01/2007 | 09/30/2009 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8TAZ |
Magazine | 1526-0356 | General Surgery Coding Alert | American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) | 01/01/2010 | 01/31/2013 | 01/01/2010 | 01/31/2013 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B1WB |
Magazine | 1541-7646 | Getting Paid in Behavioral Healthcare | Manisses Communications Group Inc. | 10/01/2002 | 01/31/2008 | 10/01/2002 | 01/31/2008 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | OQB |
Academic Journal | 2284-2403 | Global & Regional Health Technology Assessment | AboutScience Srl | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Italy | Available Now | L9AM |
Academic Journal | 1044-0283 | Global Finance Journal | Elsevier B.V. | 09/01/1989 | | 09/01/1989 | 12/31/2001 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | GFJ |
Academic Journal | 1939-2389 | Global Health Governance | Seton Hall University | 04/01/2011 | | 04/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | AXYT |
Magazine | 1931-8014 | Global Watch | Millennium Development Goals Global Watch | 09/01/2006 | 03/31/2009 | 09/01/2006 | 03/31/2009 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2ZPD |
Academic Journal | 2698-6388 | GMS Health Innovation & Technologies | German Medical Science Publishing House gGmbH | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | MC2H |
Academic Journal | 1861-8863 | GMS Health Technology Assessment | German Medical Science Publishing House gGmbH | 01/01/2009 | 12/31/2018 | 01/01/2009 | 12/31/2018 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 780B |
Academic Journal | 0740-624X | Government Information Quarterly | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/1996 | | 01/01/1996 | 12/31/2001 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | GIQ |
Magazine | 1078-0769 | Government Procurement | Penton Media, Inc. | 07/01/1998 | 12/31/2014 | 07/01/1998 | 12/31/2014 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 25M |
Magazine | | GP Online | Haymarket Media Group Ltd | 12/01/2016 | 10/22/2019 | 12/01/2016 | 10/22/2019 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | LU8B |
Magazine | 0268-8417 | GP: General Practitioner | Haymarket Media Group Ltd | 01/01/2002 | 11/30/2016 | 01/01/2002 | 07/31/2009 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | I46 |
Academic Journal | 0926-2644 | Group Decision & Negotiation | Springer Nature | 01/01/1997 | | 01/01/2004 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | OFY |
Academic Journal | 1534-5653 | Group Facilitation: A Research & Applications Journal | International Association of Facilitators | 09/01/2006 | 01/31/2016 | 09/01/2006 | 01/31/2016 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2ZJI |
Trade Publication | 0199-5103 | Group Practice Journal | American Medical Group Association (AMGA) | 06/01/2019 | 09/30/2024 | 06/01/2019 | 09/30/2024 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LPR3 |
Trade Publication | 1068-8838 | H&HN: Hospitals & Health Networks | Health Forum | 06/05/1993 | 12/31/2017 | 01/01/1995 | 12/31/2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HHN |
Magazine | 0017-8012 | Harvard Business Review | Harvard Business School Publishing | 10/01/1922 | | 10/01/1922 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HBR |
Magazine | | Harvard Business Review Digital Articles | Harvard Business School Publishing | 03/01/2007 | | 03/01/2007 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KBS9 |
Academic Journal | 1533-774X | Harvard Health Policy Review | Harvard Health Policy Review | 03/01/2012 | 03/31/2016 | 03/01/2012 | 03/31/2016 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | AWPE |
Academic Journal | 0193-4872 | Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy | Harvard Law School Journals | 01/01/1990 | | 01/01/1990 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HJP |
Magazine | 1525-9595 | Harvard Management Update | Harvard Business School Publishing | 07/01/1998 | 05/30/2009 | 07/01/1998 | 05/30/2009 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 33E |
Academic Journal | 0093-0334 | Hastings Center Report | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/1971 | | 06/01/1971 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HCR |
Magazine | 0300-5720 | HD: Hospital Development | Wilmington Media Ltd. | 07/01/2004 | 08/31/2007 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | ATK |
Magazine | 0300-5720 | HD: The Journal for Healthcare Design & Development | Wilmington Media Ltd. | 01/01/1994 | 06/30/2004 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | HDE |
Academic Journal | 0360-7283 | Health & Social Work | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1990 | | 01/01/1990 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HSW |
Academic Journal | 0278-2715 | Health Affairs | Project HOPE/HEALTH AFFAIRS | 03/01/1995 | | 01/01/2003 | 04/30/2009 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HAF |
Trade Publication | 1063-5335 | Health Care Biller | Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/2008 | 01/01/1999 | 01/31/2008 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JW6 |
Trade Publication | 1060-0442 | Health Care Collector: The Monthly Newsletter for Health Care Collectors | Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory | 01/01/1999 | 08/31/2020 | 01/01/1999 | 08/31/2020 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JW7 |
Academic Journal | 0195-8631 | Health Care Financing Review | HCFA ORDS Publications | 03/01/1990 | 12/31/2009 | 03/01/1990 | 12/31/2009 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HCF |
Academic Journal | 1386-9620 | Health Care Management Science | Springer Nature | 03/01/1998 | | 03/01/1998 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | BSE |
Trade Publication | 1524-1068 | Health Care Registration: The Newsletter for Health Care Registration Professionals | Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory | 01/01/1999 | 07/31/2020 | 01/01/1999 | 07/31/2020 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JW8 |
Academic Journal | 2786-4626 | Health Economics & Management Review | Academic Research & Publishing UG (i. G.) (AR&P) LLC | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | MXY0 |
Academic Journal | 2191-1991 | Health Economics Review | Springer Nature | 03/22/2016 | | 03/22/2016 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | ESI6 |
Academic Journal | 1937-5867 | Health Environments Research & Design Journal (HERD) (Sage Publications, Ltd.) | Sage Publications | 01/01/2015 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | I6R1 |
Academic Journal | 1937-5867 | Health Environments Research & Design Journal (HERD) (Vendome Group LLC) | Sage Publications Inc. | 02/01/2009 | 12/31/2014 | 02/01/2009 | 12/31/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 6N57 |
Trade Publication | 0899-6210 | Health Facilities Management | Health Forum | 01/01/1995 | | 01/01/1995 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HFA |
Academic Journal | 1527-3547 | Health Forum Journal | Health Forum | 01/01/1999 | 07/31/2003 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 5L7 |
Magazine | 0194-2352 | Health Grants & Contracts Weekly (Aspen Publishers Inc.) | Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory | 01/01/1999 | 05/31/2004 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | JW9 |
Magazine | 1548-985X | Health Information Compliance Alert | American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) | 04/01/2010 | 11/30/2012 | 04/01/2010 | 11/30/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B1WC |
Magazine | 1188-8725 | Health Law Review | Health Law Institute | 02/01/2008 | 09/30/2014 | 02/01/2008 | 09/30/2014 | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | G5X |
Trade Publication | 1074-4770 | Health Management Technology | Endeavor Business Media | 01/01/1995 | 11/30/2018 | 01/01/1998 | 11/30/2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | EHT |
Academic Journal | 0735-9683 | Health Marketing Quarterly | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2000 | | 01/01/2000 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HMQ |
Academic Journal | 0748-383X | Health Matrix: Journal of Law-Medicine | Case Western Reserve University School of Law | 03/01/1991 | | 03/01/1991 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HLM |
Magazine | 0954-903X | Health Matters | Pavilion Publishing & Media Ltd | 09/01/2009 | 03/31/2010 | 09/01/2009 | 03/31/2010 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ATOB |
Academic Journal | 2029-3569 | Health Policy & Management / Sveikatos Politika ir Valdymas | Mykolas Romeris University | 11/01/2012 | 12/31/2019 | 11/01/2012 | 12/31/2019 | | Y | Y | Lithuania | Available Now | FI95 |
Academic Journal | 1036-1073 | Health Promotion Journal of Australia | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/2008 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | GXU |
Academic Journal | 1387-3741 | Health Services & Outcomes Research Methodology | Springer Nature | 09/01/2003 | | 01/01/2008 | 12/31/2009 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | OG0 |
Academic Journal | 2333-3928 | Health Services Research & Managerial Epidemiology | Sage Publications | 11/01/2017 | 11/30/2024 | 11/01/2017 | 11/30/2024 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LBNO |
Trade Publication | 1055-7466 | Health Systems Review | Federation of American Health Systems Review, Inc. | 01/01/1995 | 12/31/1997 | 07/01/1995 | 12/31/1997 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | SYR |
Magazine | 1945-6360 | Healthcare Cost Containment | Healthcare Financial Management Association | 06/01/2008 | 12/31/2019 | 06/01/2008 | 12/31/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 6CPT |
Trade Publication | 1541-7905 | Healthcare Design | Emerald Expositions | 02/01/2009 | 03/31/2017 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 3BUE |
Trade Publication | | Healthcare Dive | Industry Dive | 10/20/2023 | | 10/20/2023 | | 0.1 | | | United States of America | Available Now | MUXP |
Trade Publication | 0883-5381 | Healthcare Executive | American College of Healthcare Executives | 01/01/1995 | | 09/01/2001 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HEX |
Academic Journal | 0899-9287 | Healthcare Forum Journal | Health Forum | 01/01/1995 | 11/01/1998 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | HFJ |
Trade Publication | 1098-3716 | Healthcare Purchasing News | Endeavor Business Media | 01/01/2001 | | 01/01/2001 | | 3 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 12Z |
Magazine | 0738-811X | HealthFacts | Center for Medical Consumers, Inc. | 01/01/1992 | 07/31/2009 | 01/01/1994 | 07/31/2009 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HFC |
Magazine | 1536-1357 | HealthLeaders Magazine | HCPro | 03/01/2007 | 08/31/2024 | 03/01/2007 | 08/31/2024 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2Y78 |
Trade Publication | 0735-0732 | hfm (Healthcare Financial Management) | Healthcare Financial Management Association | 01/01/1994 | | 01/01/1994 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HFN |
Trade Publication | 1936-2102 | HME Today | MEDQOR | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2008 | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2008 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3CIW |
Trade Publication | 1524-2536 | Home Health Care Dealer/Provider | MEDQOR | 12/01/2006 | 12/31/2006 | 12/01/2006 | 12/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2SIC |
Trade Publication | 1529-1715 | HomeCare Magazine | Cahaba Media Group | 01/01/2002 | 04/30/2020 | 01/01/2002 | 06/23/2014 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5GL |
Trade Publication | 1078-8123 | Hospital Accounts Receivable Analysis | Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory | 01/01/1999 | 06/30/2016 | 01/01/1999 | 06/30/2016 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 0NT |
Magazine | 0262-3145 | Hospital Doctor | Elsevier B.V. | 03/01/2003 | 12/31/2007 | 08/01/2003 | 12/31/2007 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | O4F |
Trade Publication | 0098-6909 | Hospital Formulary | Advanstar Communications Inc. | 01/01/1995 | 04/30/1995 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | HFO |
Academic Journal | 2008-1928 | Hospital Journal | Tehran University of Medical Sciences | 10/01/2011 | | 10/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | BODK |
Trade Publication | 0738-0984 | Hospital Law Newsletter | Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory | 07/01/2002 | 12/31/2005 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | JWB |
Academic Journal | 0018-5868 | Hospital Topics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1950 | | 01/01/1950 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | HTP |
Trade Publication | 1068-8838 | Hospitals & Health Networks | Health Forum | 09/01/2013 | 12/31/2017 | 09/01/2013 | 12/31/2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1XQE |
Trade Publication | 1059-6038 | HR Focus | Bloomberg BNA | 12/01/1991 | 10/03/2018 | 07/01/1993 | 03/04/2016 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HRF |
Magazine | 1047-3149 | HR Magazine | Society for Human Resource Management | 01/01/1994 | | 01/01/1994 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HR0 |
Academic Journal | 0097-9783 | Human Life Review | Human Life Foundation, Inc. | 06/01/1996 | | 06/01/1996 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HUL |
Academic Journal | 1053-4822 | Human Resource Management Review | Elsevier B.V. | 03/01/1991 | | 03/01/1991 | 12/31/2001 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 0YO |
Academic Journal | 0018-8670 | IBM Systems Journal | IBM Corporation/IBM Journals | 01/01/1994 | 12/31/2008 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | ISY |
Magazine | | ICD-10 Coding Alert | American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) | 07/01/2013 | 10/31/2019 | 07/01/2013 | 10/31/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FXR2 |
Trade Publication | 1080-9015 | ID | Nielsen Business Media, Inc. | 01/01/1994 | 08/31/2002 | 07/01/1997 | 08/31/2002 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | IDI |
Academic Journal | 1478-1581 | IEE Proceedings -- Nanobiotechnology | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 06/01/2003 | 12/31/2006 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | PNQ |
Academic Journal | 1751-8741 | IET Nanobiotechnology (Institution of Engineering & Technology) | Institution of Engineering & Technology | 01/01/2007 | 12/31/2012 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2Z1F |
Academic Journal | 1751-8741 | IET Nanobiotechnology (Wiley-Blackwell) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2013 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MMHZ |
Academic Journal | 1948-8300 | IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2010 | 10/31/2016 | 01/01/2010 | 10/31/2016 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | B6JR |
Academic Journal | 2472-5579 | IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2017 | | 01/01/2017 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | LF1J |
Academic Journal | 2634-5293 | IJQHC Communications | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N2BM |
Academic Journal | 0019-7939 | ILR Review | Sage Publications | 01/01/1985 | | 01/01/1985 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ILR |
Trade Publication | 1043-1012 | Imaging Economics | MEDQOR | 03/01/2007 | 11/30/2014 | 03/01/2007 | 11/30/2014 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2SID |
Magazine | 0162-8968 | Inc. | Mansueto Ventures LLC | 01/01/1985 | | 05/01/1990 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | INC |
Magazine | 1060-4154 | Indiana Business Magazine | Curtis Magazine Group Inc. | 07/01/1993 | 02/28/2009 | 12/01/1993 | 02/28/2009 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | INB |
Academic Journal | 1549-3199 | Indiana Health Law Review | Indiana Health Law Review | 06/01/2015 | | 06/01/2015 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B0TS |
Magazine | 1535-2897 | Information Management Journal | Association of Records Managers & Administrators | 01/01/1999 | 11/30/2018 | 01/01/1999 | 11/30/2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 6FO |
Academic Journal | 1939-3555 | Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | 12 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 6MR3 |
Trade Publication | 0743-8613 | Information Strategy: The Executive's Journal | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1990 | 06/30/2004 | 01/01/1990 | 06/30/2004 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | INO |
Academic Journal | 1058-0530 | Information Systems Management | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/01/1990 | | 07/01/1990 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | IFM |
Academic Journal | 1047-7047 | Information Systems Research | INFORMS: Institute for Operations Research | 03/01/1990 | | 03/01/1990 | | 60 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1LD |
Trade Publication | 1065-898X | Information Systems Security | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1995 | 12/31/2007 | 01/01/1995 | 12/31/2007 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | IFC |
Academic Journal | 0268-1102 | Information Technology for Development | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/1986 | | 03/01/1986 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | IFD |
Trade Publication | 8755-6286 | Information Today | Information Today Inc. | 07/01/1996 | | 07/01/1996 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | IFT |
Magazine | 8750-6874 | Informationweek | United Business Media | 01/01/1995 | 09/30/2017 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | IFW |
Academic Journal | 2644-0865 | INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics | INFORMS: Institute for Operations Research | 01/01/2019 | | 01/01/2019 | | 60 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MBED |
Academic Journal | 1091-9856 | INFORMS Journal on Computing | INFORMS: Institute for Operations Research | 01/01/1996 | | 01/01/1996 | | 60 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 7EE |
Magazine | | Inpatient Facility Coding & Compliance Alert | American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) | 07/01/2013 | 07/31/2013 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FXR3 |
Trade Publication | | Inside Dental Assisting | Broadcastmed LLC | 01/01/2008 | 11/01/2014 | 01/01/2008 | 11/01/2014 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 8ONQ |
Trade Publication | 0192-5660 | Institutional Investor | Euromoney Trading Limited | 07/01/1993 | 04/30/2018 | 07/01/1997 | 04/30/2018 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | IIV |
Magazine | 1054-0733 | Insurance & Technology | United Business Media | 07/01/1996 | 05/31/2013 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | IUT |
Magazine | 1525-4720 | Insurance Accounting | Arizent | 01/01/2000 | 03/04/2001 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 5LY |
Magazine | 0020-4587 | Insurance Advocate | CINN Worldwide Inc. | 11/18/1995 | | 11/18/1995 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | IAV |
Magazine | | Insurance Finance & Investment (Euromoney Publications PLC) | Euromoney Trading Limited | 07/01/1997 | 09/30/2001 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1UQ |
Academic Journal | 0092-2102 | Interfaces | INFORMS: Institute for Operations Research | 11/01/1970 | 12/31/2018 | 11/01/1970 | 12/31/2018 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | IFE |
Magazine | 0020-5745 | Internal Auditor | Internal Auditor | 08/01/1993 | 02/28/2021 | 08/01/1993 | 02/28/2021 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | IAU |
Magazine | 1522-7480 | Internal Medicine Coding Alert | American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) | 04/01/2010 | 01/31/2017 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | B1WE |
Academic Journal | 2639-7692 | International Journal of Applied Research on Public Health Management (IJARPHM) | IGI Global, Inc. | 11/01/2022 | | 11/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N6K2 |
Academic Journal | 1083-4346 | International Journal of Business | International Journal of Business | 11/01/2006 | | 11/01/2006 | | | Y | Y | Taiwan | Available Now | G2F |
Academic Journal | 2069-5748 | International Journal of Health Economics | Faculty of Administration & Business within University of Bucharest | 06/01/2013 | 11/30/2014 | 06/01/2013 | 11/30/2014 | | Y | Y | Romania | Available Now | FUH0 |
Academic Journal | 2526-1606 | International Journal of Health Management Review | International Journal of Health Management Review | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Brazil | Available Now | LUQA |
Academic Journal | 2322-5939 | International Journal of Health Policy & Management | Kerman University of Medical Sciences & Health Services, Medical Education Development Center | 06/01/2013 | | 06/01/2013 | | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | HBS9 |
Academic Journal | 0020-7314 | International Journal of Health Services | Sage Publications | 09/01/2003 | 10/31/2022 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | E6D |
Academic Journal | 2691-9176 | International Journal of Health Systems & Translational Medicine (IJHSTM) | IGI Global, Inc. | 11/01/2022 | | 11/01/2022 | | | Y | | United States of America | Coming Soon | N6KD |
Academic Journal | 2047-9700 | International Journal of Healthcare Management | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/2012 | | 03/01/2012 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | EGCA |
Academic Journal | 1368-2156 | International Journal of Healthcare Technology & Management | Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. | 01/01/2004 | 01/01/2017 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 61A |
Academic Journal | 2251-8940 | International Journal of Hospital Research | Iran University of Medical Sciences | 01/01/2022 | 07/31/2022 | 01/01/2022 | 07/31/2022 | | Y | Y | Iran (Islamic Republic of) | Available Now | FT82 |
Academic Journal | 0143-7720 | International Journal of Manpower | Emerald Publishing Limited | 01/01/1994 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | IJL |
Academic Journal | 1469-7025 | International Journal of Medical Marketing | Palgrave Macmillan Ltd. | 01/01/2001 | 12/31/2004 | 01/01/2001 | 12/31/2004 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | G0Z |
Academic Journal | 1055-3185 | International Journal of Organizational Analysis (1993 - 2002) | Center for Advanced Studies in Management | 01/01/1993 | 12/31/2002 | 01/01/1993 | 12/31/2002 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1PY |
Academic Journal | 1055-3185 | International Journal of Organizational Analysis (2003) | Center for Advanced Studies in Management | 01/01/2003 | 12/31/2003 | 01/01/2003 | 12/31/2003 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 177W |
Academic Journal | 2641-6255 | International Journal of Patient-Centered Healthcare (IJPCH) | IGI Global, Inc. | 11/01/2022 | | 11/01/2022 | | | Y | | United States of America | Coming Soon | N6LG |
Academic Journal | 0961-7671 | International Journal of Pharmacy Practice | Oxford University Press | 01/01/2010 | | 01/01/2010 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1311 |
Academic Journal | 2771-3687 | International Journal of Practical Healthcare Innovation & Management Techniques (IJPHIMT) | IGI Global, Inc. | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N58J |
Academic Journal | 0924-6479 | International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine | IOS Press | 01/01/1998 | | 01/01/1998 | | 9 | Y | Y | Netherlands | Available Now | FUV |
Academic Journal | 2755-1938 | International Journal of Social Determinants of Health & Health Services | Sage Publications | 01/01/2023 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | N7A8 |
Academic Journal | 1356-3475 | International Planning Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 06/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | LPS |
Academic Journal | 1059-0560 | International Review of Economics & Finance | Elsevier B.V. | 06/01/1996 | | 06/01/1996 | 12/31/2001 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | IRF |
Academic Journal | 1057-5219 | International Review of Financial Analysis | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/1996 | | 01/01/1996 | 12/31/2001 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | RFA |
Academic Journal | 0020-8825 | International Studies of Management & Organization | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1985 | | 01/01/1985 | | 6 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | IMO |
Magazine | 1097-8291 | Internet World | Penton Publishing | 07/01/1999 | 06/30/2003 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 5SW |
Magazine | 1096-9969 | InternetWeek | United Business Media | 09/01/1997 | 01/08/2002 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 28A |
Magazine | 1079-0373 | Internetwork | Boucher Communications Inc. | 07/01/1996 | 03/31/1997 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | TRK |
Trade Publication | 0021-0080 | Investment Dealers' Digest | Arizent | 07/01/1997 | 05/28/2011 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 0KL |
Magazine | | Investment Management Mandate Pipeline | Arizent | 01/05/2011 | 01/14/2015 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | F2JV |
Magazine | 0896-8500 | Investment Management Weekly | Arizent | 01/01/1999 | 01/04/2011 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 30Q |
Magazine | 1092-1354 | Investor Relations Business | Arizent | 01/01/1999 | 12/31/2003 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 30O |
Academic Journal | 8756-8160 | Issues in Law & Medicine | Issues in Law & Medicine | 03/01/1990 | | 03/01/1990 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ILM |
Trade Publication | 1520-8591 | IT Health Care Strategist | Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory | 01/01/1999 | 09/30/2002 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 12A |
Academic Journal | | JHQ Web Exclusives | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 07/01/2007 | 12/31/2008 | 07/01/2007 | 12/31/2008 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3HP9 |
Magazine | 1542-8672 | Joint Commission: The Source | Joint Commission Resources | 10/01/2015 | | 10/01/2015 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BL1V |
Magazine | 0021-8448 | Journal of Accountancy | American Institute of Certified Public Accountants | 01/01/1985 | | 01/01/1985 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JAJ |
Academic Journal | 1360-0796 | Journal of Applied Management Studies | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 06/01/1996 | 12/31/2000 | 06/01/1996 | 12/31/2000 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | PLU |
Academic Journal | 1094-3412 | Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research | Springer Nature | 02/01/1998 | | 02/01/1998 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 2WS |
Academic Journal | 2475-2843 | Journal of Best Practices in Health Professions Diversity: Education, Research & Policy | School of Health Sciences at Winston-Salem State University | 03/01/2007 | | 03/01/2007 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 44UL |
Academic Journal | 1054-3406 | Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1999 | | 01/01/1999 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KUO |
Academic Journal | 0735-0015 | Journal of Business & Economic Statistics | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1983 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BES |
Academic Journal | 1535-668X | Journal of Business & Management | Journal of Business & Management | 07/01/2002 | | 07/01/2002 | | | Y | Y | Taiwan | Available Now | KY7 |
Academic Journal | 0889-3268 | Journal of Business & Psychology | Springer Nature | 09/01/1986 | | 09/01/1986 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | BPY |
Academic Journal | 1749-9216 | Journal of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning | Henry Stewart Publications LLP | 09/01/2006 | | 09/01/2006 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3BTY |
Academic Journal | 0167-4544 | Journal of Business Ethics | Springer Nature | 02/01/1982 | | 02/01/1982 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | BET |
Academic Journal | 0278-6087 | Journal of Business Forecasting Methods & Systems | Graceway Publishing Company | 03/01/1994 | 11/30/2004 | 03/01/1994 | 11/30/2004 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JFR |
Academic Journal | 0735-3766 | Journal of Business Logistics | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1985 | | 01/01/1985 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | JLG |
Academic Journal | 0275-6668 | Journal of Business Strategy | Emerald Publishing Limited | 01/01/1985 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | BST |
Academic Journal | 1462-8732 | Journal of Commercial Biotechnology | ThinkBiotech, LLC | 01/01/2001 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 6V2 |
Academic Journal | 1753-8068 | Journal of Communication in Healthcare | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 88TW |
Trade Publication | 0893-780X | Journal of Compensation & Benefits | West Information Publishing Group | 01/01/1990 | 01/31/2020 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | CMB |
Academic Journal | 0022-0078 | Journal of Consumer Affairs | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1985 | | 01/01/1985 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | JCA |
Academic Journal | 0736-3761 | Journal of Consumer Marketing | Emerald Publishing Limited | 01/01/1985 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | CMI |
Academic Journal | 0168-7034 | Journal of Consumer Policy | Springer Nature | 03/01/1983 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | JCN |
Academic Journal | 1530-1060 | Journal of Controversial Medical Claims | Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory | 08/01/2001 | 02/28/2010 | 08/01/2001 | 02/28/2010 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | IWU |
Academic Journal | 0360-795X | Journal of Corporation Law | University of Iowa, College of Law (Journal of Corporation Law) | 01/01/1985 | | 01/01/1985 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JCT |
Academic Journal | 0021-3624 | Journal of Economic Issues | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1985 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JEI |
Academic Journal | 0021-3624 | Journal of Economic Issues (Taylor & Francis Ltd) | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2009 | 12/31/2024 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 8X8I |
Academic Journal | 0895-3309 | Journal of Economic Perspectives | American Economic Association | 06/01/1987 | | 06/01/1987 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JEC |
Academic Journal | 1055-0925 | Journal of Economics & Finance | Springer Nature | 03/01/1991 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | 5XS |
Academic Journal | 1058-6407 | Journal of Economics & Management Strategy | Wiley-Blackwell | 03/01/1997 | | 03/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | EMY |
Academic Journal | 0022-0787 | Journal of Employment Counseling | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1994 | | 01/01/1994 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | JEM |
Academic Journal | 1085-3464 | Journal of Financial Statement Analysis | With Intelligence Limited | 07/01/1997 | 01/01/1999 | 07/01/1997 | 01/01/1999 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1UT |
Academic Journal | 2189-7948 | Journal of General & Family Medicine | Wiley-Blackwell | 12/01/2017 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | L3KF |
Academic Journal | 1071-0736 | Journal of Global Competitiveness | American Society for Competitiveness | 03/01/2005 | 10/31/2006 | 03/01/2005 | 10/31/2006 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1HJ5 |
Academic Journal | 1079-3739 | Journal of Health & Human Services Administration | Sage Publications | 06/01/2001 | | 04/08/2006 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 7BU |
Academic Journal | 1520-8303 | Journal of Health Care Compliance | Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory | 01/01/2000 | | 01/01/2000 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 6PB |
Academic Journal | 1097-4768 | Journal of Health Care Law & Policy | University of Maryland School of Law | 03/01/2004 | | 03/01/2004 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | T06 |
Academic Journal | 0737-3252 | Journal of Health Care Marketing | American Marketing Association | 01/01/1985 | 12/31/1996 | 01/01/1985 | 12/31/1996 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MRK |
Academic Journal | 2549-0281 | Journal of Health Policy & Management (JHPM) | Universitas Sebelas Maret, Masters Program in Public Health, Graduate School | 09/01/2022 | | 09/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | N8LQ |
Academic Journal | 0361-6878 | Journal of Health Politics, Policy & Law | Duke University Press | 03/01/1995 | | 01/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HPP |
Academic Journal | 1355-8196 | Journal of Health Services Research & Policy | Sage Publications | 01/01/1996 | | 04/08/2006 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8OE |
Academic Journal | 2830-3733 | Journal of Healthcare Administration (JOHA) | Journal of Healthcare Administration (JOHA) | 07/01/2023 | | 07/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | Indonesia | Available Now | NCVL |
Magazine | | Journal of Healthcare Administrative Management | American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management | 05/01/2009 | | 05/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 7CDE |
Academic Journal | 1096-9012 | Journal of Healthcare Management | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 01/01/1998 | | 01/01/2000 | 12/31/2016 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 37I |
Academic Journal | 2767-3820 | Journal of Healthcare Management Standards (JHMS) | IGI Global, Inc. | 11/01/2022 | | 11/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N6LP |
Academic Journal | 1534-648X | Journal of Housing & Community Development | National Association of Housing & Redevelopment | 01/01/1995 | | 01/01/1995 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | HCD |
Academic Journal | 0022-166X | Journal of Human Resources | University of Wisconsin Press | 01/01/1985 | | 01/01/1985 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JHR |
Academic Journal | 1531-6076 | Journal of Insurance Issues | Western Risk & Insurance Association | 01/01/1995 | | 01/01/1995 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 61W |
Academic Journal | 0736-248X | Journal of Insurance Regulation | National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) | 09/01/1982 | | 09/01/1982 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | IRG |
Academic Journal | 2837-6331 | Journal of Intelligent Medicine & Healthcare | Tech Science Press | 07/01/2022 | | 07/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NMWG |
Academic Journal | 0195-3613 | Journal of Labor Research | Springer Nature | 01/01/1985 | | 01/01/1985 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | JLR |
Academic Journal | 1073-1105 | Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics | Cambridge University Press | 03/01/1993 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JME |
Academic Journal | 0149-2063 | Journal of Management | Sage Publications | 01/01/1985 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | MGT |
Academic Journal | 1385-3457 | Journal of Management & Governance | Springer Nature | 09/01/1997 | | 09/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | GGC |
Academic Journal | 1753-3031 | Journal of Management & Marketing in Healthcare | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2008 | 12/31/2011 | 01/01/2008 | 12/31/2011 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3BU7 |
Academic Journal | 0262-1711 | Journal of Management Development | Emerald Publishing Limited | 01/01/1994 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | JMV |
Academic Journal | 0742-1222 | Journal of Management Information Systems | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1985 | | 01/01/1985 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | JOU |
Academic Journal | 1045-3695 | Journal of Managerial Issues | Journal of Managerial Issues / PSU | 07/01/1996 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JIU |
Academic Journal | 0268-3946 | Journal of Managerial Psychology | Emerald Publishing Limited | 03/01/1986 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MSY |
Academic Journal | 2001-6689 | Journal of Market Access & Health Policy | MDPI | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | GUL1 |
Academic Journal | 1069-6679 | Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 09/01/1992 | | 09/01/1992 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1MA |
Academic Journal | 0306-6800 | Journal of Medical Ethics | BMJ Publishing Group | 09/01/1993 | 04/04/2016 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MET |
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Academic Journal | 0883-7597 | Journal of Pharmaceutical Marketing & Management | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 09/01/1999 | 03/31/2007 | 09/01/1999 | 03/31/2007 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1190 |
Academic Journal | 0933-1433 | Journal of Population Economics | Springer Nature | 03/01/1998 | | 03/01/1998 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 72F |
Academic Journal | 1357-1419 | Journal of Property Tax Assessment & Administration | International Association of Assessing Officers | 01/01/2004 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 9OB |
Academic Journal | 1053-1858 | Journal of Public Administration Research & Theory | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1994 | | 01/01/1996 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 172N |
Academic Journal | 1096-3367 | Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management | Emerald Publishing Limited | 03/01/1997 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1Q7 |
Academic Journal | 0743-9156 | Journal of Public Policy & Marketing | American Marketing Association | 01/01/1985 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JPP |
Academic Journal | 1084-8568 | Journal of Quality Management | Elsevier B.V. | 07/01/1996 | 06/30/2000 | 07/01/1996 | 06/30/2000 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QMT |
Academic Journal | 0022-4367 | Journal of Risk & Insurance | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1985 | | 01/01/1985 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | RAS |
Academic Journal | 1094-6136 | Journal of Scheduling | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2008 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | BX9 |
Academic Journal | 0972-4702 | Journal of Services Research | Vedatya Institute | 04/01/2001 | | 04/01/2001 | | | Y | Y | India | Available Now | OU4 |
Academic Journal | 1523-2409 | Journal of Supply Chain Management | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1999 | | 05/01/2004 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 5QT |
Academic Journal | 0194-4363 | Journal of the American Planning Association | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1979 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | APN |
Academic Journal | 0962-1369 | Journal of the Economics of Business | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 02/01/1994 | 10/30/1994 | 02/01/1994 | 10/30/1994 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | JOB |
Academic Journal | 0022-5037 | Journal of the History of Ideas | University of Pennsylvania Press | 01/03/1966 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | JHI |
Academic Journal | 1536-5050 | Journal of the Medical Library Association | University of Pittsburgh, University Library System | 01/01/2003 | | 01/01/2003 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PI8 |
Academic Journal | 0096-3984 | Journal of the Operations Research Society of America | INFORMS: Institute for Operations Research | 11/01/1952 | 01/31/1956 | 11/01/1952 | 01/31/1956 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LNH |
Academic Journal | 1090-9516 | Journal of World Business | Elsevier B.V. | 12/03/1996 | | 12/03/1996 | 12/31/2001 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1S8 |
Academic Journal | 0023-6586 | Labor Law Journal | CCH Incorporated | 01/01/1985 | | 01/01/1985 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LLJ |
Magazine | 1071-2186 | Las Vegas Business Press | Las Vegas Review Journal, Inc. | 01/01/1995 | 09/12/2004 | 01/01/1995 | 09/12/2004 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LVP |
Magazine | 1071-2186 | Las Vegas Business Press (10712186) | Las Vegas Review Journal, Inc. | 06/06/2005 | 08/03/2015 | 06/06/2005 | 08/03/2015 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1E2Y |
Academic Journal | 0147-7307 | Law & Human Behavior (American Psychological Association) | American Psychological Association | 01/01/2012 | 12/01/2018 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | FR3Y |
Academic Journal | 0147-7307 | Law & Human Behavior (Springer Science & Business Media B.V.) | Springer Nature | 02/01/2001 | 12/31/2011 | 10/01/2008 | 12/31/2011 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 3YZ |
Magazine | | Leadership & Employee Development Excellence | HR.com, Inc. | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | | | Canada | Available Now | NLXL |
Magazine | 8756-2308 | Leadership Excellence | HR.com, Inc. | 01/01/2005 | 12/31/2023 | 01/01/2005 | 12/31/2023 | | | Y | Canada | Available Now | 16AM |
Academic Journal | 1048-9843 | Leadership Quarterly | Elsevier B.V. | 07/01/1996 | | 07/01/1996 | 12/31/2001 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | LQY |
Magazine | 0826-029X | Leading Edge | American Association for Physician Leadership, Inc. | 05/01/2005 | 01/31/2008 | 05/01/2005 | 01/31/2008 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1BVJ |
Trade Publication | 0458-9599 | Legal-Legislative Reporter | International Foundation of Employee Benefits | 01/01/2007 | 03/31/2010 | 01/01/2007 | 03/31/2010 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2778 |
Trade Publication | 2160-7923 | Leveraged Finance News | Arizent | 01/01/2011 | 12/31/2014 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | D40J |
Magazine | 1470-4560 | Life Science Today | Media Scores Ltd. | 04/01/2000 | 05/31/2002 | 04/01/2000 | 05/31/2002 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | E1I |
Magazine | 1535-363X | Long-Term Care Survey Alert | American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) | 04/01/2010 | 01/31/2013 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | B1WG |
Magazine | 1940-9958 | Long-Term Living: For the Continuing Care Professional | Vendome Group LLC | 03/01/2008 | 11/30/2016 | 03/01/2008 | 08/31/2010 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5F0J |
Academic Journal | 1523-4614 | M&SOM: Manufacturing & Service Operations Management | INFORMS: Institute for Operations Research | 01/01/1999 | | 01/01/1999 | | 60 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5YY |
Magazine | 0025-1623 | Manage | National Management Association | 01/01/1990 | 02/28/2002 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MNG |
Magazine | 1552-3748 | Manage Online | National Management Association | 07/01/2002 | 07/30/2005 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | LE5 |
Magazine | 0896-6567 | Managed Care Outlook | Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory | 01/01/1999 | 12/31/2014 | 01/01/1999 | 12/31/2014 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 11Y |
Trade Publication | 1060-1392 | Managed Healthcare | Advanstar Communications Inc. | 07/01/1997 | 12/31/2000 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1N3 |
Trade Publication | 1533-9300 | Managed Healthcare Executive | MJH Life Sciences | 01/01/2001 | | 01/01/2001 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | EW3 |
Magazine | 0025-1658 | Management | Mediaweb Ltd | 02/01/1995 | 04/30/1998 | | | | | | New Zealand | Available Now | L39 |
Magazine | 1174-5339 | Management (1174-5339) | Pure 360 Ltd | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | NM85 |
Academic Journal | 0025-1747 | Management Decision | Emerald Publishing Limited | 07/01/1993 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | MGD |
Academic Journal | 1392-1142 | Management of Organizations: Systematic Research | Sciendo | 03/01/2003 | 06/30/2010 | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | 1UZD |
Trade Publication | 0025-1860 | Management Quarterly | National Rural Electric Cooperative Association | 01/01/1990 | 12/31/2010 | 01/01/1990 | 12/31/2010 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MGQ |
Academic Journal | 0025-1895 | Management Review | American Management Association | 01/01/1985 | 03/31/2000 | 01/01/1985 | 03/31/2000 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MGR |
Academic Journal | 0025-1909 | Management Science | INFORMS: Institute for Operations Research | 01/01/1985 | | 01/01/1985 | | 60 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MGS |
Trade Publication | 2059-5425 | Management Today | Haymarket Media Group Ltd | 07/01/1993 | 10/22/2019 | 01/01/2002 | 06/03/2017 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MGE |
Magazine | 1095-3256 | Managers Handbook | LL Global Inc. | 04/01/1996 | 12/31/1997 | 04/01/1996 | 04/01/1997 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MHB |
Magazine | 0025-1968 | Managers Magazine | LL Global Inc. | 07/01/1993 | 02/28/1996 | 01/01/1994 | 02/28/1996 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MGM |
Trade Publication | 1098-5662 | Managing Benefits Plans | Bloomberg BNA | 01/01/2001 | 03/04/2016 | 01/01/2001 | 03/04/2016 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JY2 |
Trade Publication | 1074-8903 | Managing Credit, Receivables & Collections | Diversified Communications | 01/01/2001 | 08/31/2013 | 01/01/2001 | 08/31/2013 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JY3 |
Trade Publication | 1070-4051 | Managing Office Technology | OfficeVision, Inc | 09/01/1993 | 09/20/1998 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MOF |
Academic Journal | 0113-6895 | Marketing Bulletin | Massey University | 05/01/1990 | 01/31/2017 | 05/01/1990 | 01/31/2017 | | Y | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | MKB |
Academic Journal | 1094-1304 | Marketing Health Services | American Marketing Association | 01/01/1997 | 03/31/2016 | 01/01/1997 | 03/31/2016 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 25G |
Academic Journal | 1040-8460 | Marketing Insights | American Marketing Association | 01/01/2013 | 09/30/2016 | 01/01/2013 | 09/30/2016 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | G9B7 |
Magazine | 1061-3846 | Marketing Management | American Marketing Association | 01/01/1992 | 12/31/2012 | 01/01/1992 | 12/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MMM |
Trade Publication | 0025-3790 | Marketing News | American Marketing Association | 07/01/1993 | | 07/01/1993 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MKN |
Academic Journal | 1040-8460 | Marketing Research | American Marketing Association | 03/01/1989 | 12/31/2012 | 03/01/1989 | 12/31/2012 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MRE |
Trade Publication | 1076-4879 | Marketing Tools | Crain Communications | 04/01/1994 | 07/31/1998 | 04/01/1994 | 07/31/1998 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MTO |
Trade Publication | 1059-4531 | Materials Management in Health Care | Health Forum | 01/01/1995 | 06/30/2010 | 01/01/1995 | 06/30/2010 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MMC |
Academic Journal | 1920-4825 | McGill Journal of Law & Health / Revue de Droit et Santé de McGill | McGill Journal of Law & Health | 09/01/2011 | | 09/01/2011 | | | Y | Y | Canada | Available Now | B6UC |
Trade Publication | | McKnight's Assisted Living | Haymarket Media, Inc. | 09/01/2009 | 08/31/2015 | 09/01/2009 | 08/31/2015 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 8VU9 |
Magazine | 1048-3314 | McKnight's Long-Term Care News | Haymarket Media, Inc. | 04/01/2009 | 10/31/2018 | 04/01/2009 | 10/31/2018 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1NO |
Magazine | 2689-680X | McKnight's Senior Living | Haymarket Media, Inc. | 12/01/2015 | | 12/01/2015 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LTZZ |
Academic Journal | 2381-4683 | MDM Policy & Practice | Sage Publications | 11/01/2017 | | 11/01/2017 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LBNV |
Magazine | 1548-9841 | MDS Alert | American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) | 04/01/2010 | 12/31/2012 | 04/01/2010 | 12/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B1WH |
Academic Journal | 1121-6921 | Mecosan | FrancoAngeli srl | 07/01/2023 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | Italy | Available Now | NB9K |
Magazine | 0144-4271 | Medeconomics | Haymarket Media Group Ltd | 01/01/2002 | 12/31/2005 | 01/01/2002 | 12/31/2005 | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | I45 |
Academic Journal | 0140-0118 | Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing | Springer Nature | 01/01/2003 | | 01/01/2003 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | PO0 |
Magazine | 0743-8079 | Medical Benefits | Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory | 01/15/2002 | | 01/15/2002 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 6FK |
Magazine | 0318-0476 | Medical Buyer | FFC Information Solution Pvt, Ltd. (dba Content Victim) | 01/01/2013 | 09/30/2016 | 01/01/2013 | 09/30/2016 | | | | India | Available Now | B6T5 |
Magazine | 2158-561X | Medical Design Briefs Magazine | SAE Media | 06/01/2024 | | 06/01/2024 | | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | NKFY |
Trade Publication | 1096-1801 | Medical Design Technology | Advantage Business Media | 08/01/1999 | 06/30/2019 | 08/01/1999 | 06/30/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5S4 |
Trade Publication | 1048-6690 | Medical Device Technology | United Business Media | 09/01/2001 | 12/31/2009 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | GCI |
Academic Journal | 2573-802X | Medical Devices & Sensors | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2019 | 02/28/2021 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | LE5P |
Trade Publication | 1073-1202 | Medical Imaging | MEDQOR | 03/01/2007 | 12/31/2008 | 03/01/2007 | 12/31/2008 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2SIE |
Magazine | 0580-7247 | Medical Laboratory Observer (MLO) | Endeavor Business Media | 07/01/1996 | | 09/01/2001 | 08/31/2022 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MLO |
Academic Journal | 1312-0336 | Medical Management & Health Policy / Meditsinski Menidgmant i Zdravna Politika | Medical University - Sofia, Central Medical Library | 01/01/2020 | | 01/01/2020 | | | Y | Y | Bulgaria | Available Now | MCSM |
Trade Publication | 0025-7354 | Medical Marketing & Media | Haymarket Media, Inc. | 07/01/1997 | | 01/01/2001 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 0N2 |
Trade Publication | 0093-1314 | Medical Meetings | Penton Media, Inc. | 01/01/2002 | 11/30/2012 | 01/01/2002 | 11/30/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JXD |
Magazine | 1536-3244 | Medical Office Billing & Collections Alert | American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) | 04/01/2010 | 01/31/2013 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | B1WI |
Magazine | 0025-7435 | Medical Post | EnsembleIQ (Stagnito Partners Canada Inc.) | 05/01/2011 | 04/01/2020 | 05/01/2011 | 04/01/2020 | | | | Canada | Available Now | 10X0 |
Trade Publication | 1935-0805 | Medical Product Outsourcing | Rodman Media | 07/01/2009 | | 07/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3FV8 |
Academic Journal | 2159-0354 | Medicare & Medicaid Research Review | HCFA ORDS Publications | 01/01/2011 | 10/31/2014 | 01/01/2011 | 10/31/2014 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BKLB |
Trade Publication | 1948-9595 | Medicare Compliance & Reimbursement | American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) | 04/15/2010 | 01/31/2013 | 04/15/2010 | 01/31/2013 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B8I6 |
Magazine | 1548-9876 | Medicare Legislation & Regulation | American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) | 04/01/2010 | 04/14/2010 | 04/01/2010 | 04/14/2010 | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | B1WJ |
Academic Journal | 2399-2026 | Medicine Access @ Point of Care | Sage Publications | 01/01/2021 | | 01/01/2021 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L9AP |
Trade Publication | | MedTech Dive | Industry Dive | 10/23/2023 | | 10/23/2023 | | 0.1 | | | United States of America | Available Now | MUXS |
Trade Publication | 2327-297X | MeetingsNet/Medical | Penton Media, Inc. | 03/01/2013 | | 03/01/2013 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | L26C |
Magazine | 1058-1103 | Mental Health Weekly | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1994 | | 07/01/1994 | | 12 | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MHW |
Magazine | 1537-0240 | MGMA Connection | MGMA | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | GZZC |
Magazine | 1537-0240 | MGMA Connexion | MGMA | 04/01/2004 | 11/30/2013 | 04/01/2004 | 11/30/2013 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | ST0 |
Academic Journal | 0887-378X | Milbank Quarterly | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/1990 | | 01/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | MIQ |
Academic Journal | 0276-7783 | MIS Quarterly | MIS Quarterly | 01/01/1985 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | MIS |
Magazine | 1532-9194 | MIT Sloan Management Review | Sloan Management Review | 01/01/2001 | | 01/01/2001 | 10/31/2004 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | EW4 |
Magazine | 2749-649X | MIT Technology Review | MIT Technology Review | 11/01/2012 | | 11/01/2012 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JE15 |
Trade Publication | 1057-5987 | MMWR Recommendations & Reports | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) | 03/01/2008 | | 03/01/2008 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1CEF |
Trade Publication | 1546-0738 | MMWR Surveillance Summaries | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1CXZ |
Academic Journal | 0149-2195 | MMWR: Morbidity & Mortality Weekly Report | Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) | 07/01/1994 | | 07/01/1994 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MMW |
Magazine | 0160-7480 | Modern Healthcare | Crain Communications | 01/01/1994 | | 07/01/1996 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MHL |
Magazine | 0026-8070 | Modern Medicine | Advanstar Communications Inc. | 01/01/1994 | 03/31/2000 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | MME |
Trade Publication | 1322-7254 | Money Management | FE Money Management Pty Ltd | 11/01/2003 | | 11/01/2003 | 12/31/2010 | | | Y | Australia | Available Now | 64P |
Magazine | 1549-9111 | Money Management Executive | Arizent | 05/26/2003 | 05/31/2020 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | R4C |
Magazine | 0026-9921 | Montana Business Quarterly | Montana Business Quarterly | 01/01/1990 | | 01/01/1990 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MBQ |
Academic Journal | 0098-1818 | Monthly Labor Review | US Department of Labor | 01/01/1985 | | 01/01/1985 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MLR |
Magazine | 0730-0212 | Mortgage Banking | Mortgage Bankers Association of America | 07/01/1993 | 10/01/2016 | 07/01/1993 | 10/01/2016 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MGB |
Magazine | 0744-3927 | Mortgage Marketplace | Arizent | 07/01/1997 | 07/18/1999 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1QB |
Trade Publication | 1070-3373 | Mutual Fund Market News | Arizent | 07/01/1999 | 05/13/2003 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 5PQ |
Magazine | 1546-6906 | NAFE Magazine | National Association for Female Executives | 01/01/2004 | 09/30/2011 | 01/01/2004 | 09/30/2011 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1H4R |
Magazine | 0028-047X | Nation's Business | US Chamber of Commerce | 01/01/1985 | 06/30/1999 | 05/01/1990 | 06/30/1999 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NAB |
Magazine | 0028-0496 | Nation's Health | American Public Health Association | 01/01/1992 | | 01/01/1992 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NAH |
Magazine | 1050-3331 | National Mortgage News | Arizent | 07/01/2000 | | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 7O9 |
Academic Journal | 0028-0283 | National Tax Journal | University of Chicago Press | 01/01/1985 | | 01/01/1985 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NTJ |
Magazine | 0893-8202 | National Underwriter / Life & Health Financial Services | ALM Global LLC | 07/01/1993 | 03/31/2017 | 07/01/1996 | 03/31/2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | Z3N |
Academic Journal | 0892-8649 | NBER/Tax Policy & the Economy (MIT Press) | MIT Press | 01/01/1997 | 12/31/2007 | 01/01/1997 | 12/31/2007 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | TPE |
Academic Journal | 0892-8649 | NBER/Tax Policy & the Economy (University of Chicago Press) | University of Chicago Press | 01/01/2008 | | 01/01/2008 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 88GC |
Magazine | | NCAHF Newsletter | National Council for Reliable Health Information, Inc. | 01/01/2001 | 02/28/2003 | 01/01/2001 | 02/28/2003 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | IIZ |
Magazine | 0890-3417 | NCAHF Newsletter (08903417) | National Council for Reliable Health Information, Inc. | 01/01/1994 | 06/30/1998 | 01/01/1994 | 06/30/1998 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | NCA |
Magazine | 1534-6900 | NCRHI Newsletter | National Council for Reliable Health Information, Inc. | 07/01/1998 | 12/31/2000 | 07/01/1998 | 12/31/2000 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 5AP |
Academic Journal | 0160-6557 | Nebraska Journal of Economics & Business | Creighton University, College of Business | 03/01/1962 | 06/30/1983 | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | KTR |
Academic Journal | 2642-0007 | NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery | Massachusetts Medical Society | 01/01/2020 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | MC92 |
Trade Publication | 1046-4468 | Network Computing | United Business Media | 01/01/1995 | 06/30/2007 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | NCP |
Magazine | 1527-8328 | Neurology Coding Alert | American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) | 04/01/2010 | 02/28/2019 | 04/01/2010 | 02/28/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B1WK |
Magazine | 1529-6091 | Neurosurgery Coding Alert | American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) | 04/01/2010 | 06/30/2020 | 04/01/2010 | 06/30/2020 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B1WL |
Academic Journal | 0028-4726 | New England Economic Review | Federal Reserve Bank of Boston | 07/01/1993 | 01/31/2004 | 07/01/1993 | 01/31/2004 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NEE |
Magazine | 0279-4527 | New Orleans CityBusiness (1994 to 2008) | New Orleans City Business | 01/01/1994 | 03/31/2008 | 09/16/1996 | 03/31/2008 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NOC |
Academic Journal | 2155-1138 | New Perspectives on Healthcare Risk Management, Control & Governance | Association of Healthcare Internal Auditors, Inc. | 06/01/2014 | | 06/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B96C |
Academic Journal | 1176-4716 | New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations | ER Publishing Ltd. | 01/01/2004 | | 01/01/2004 | | | Y | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | V7X |
Academic Journal | | New Zealand Management | Pure 360 Ltd | 05/01/1998 | 08/31/2015 | 05/01/1998 | 08/31/2015 | | Y | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | MNT |
Magazine | 0028-9604 | Newsweek | Newsweek Publishing LLC | 01/01/1985 | 12/31/2012 | 01/01/1990 | 12/31/2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | NWK |
Magazine | 0163-7053 | Newsweek (Atlantic Edition) | Newsweek Publishing LLC | 01/01/1998 | 12/31/2012 | 01/01/1998 | 12/31/2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2SU |
Magazine | 0163-7061 | Newsweek (Pacific Edition) | Newsweek Publishing LLC | 01/01/1998 | 12/31/2012 | 01/01/1998 | 12/31/2012 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2SV |
Magazine | 2572-5343 | Newsweek Global | Newsweek Publishing LLC | 01/01/2013 | | 01/01/2013 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FXPI |
Magazine | 1540-4161 | njbiz | Bridge Tower Media Holding Company d/b/a Bridge Tower Media | 06/10/2002 | | 06/10/2002 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | KVB |
Trade Publication | 1662-9027 | NovaCura | Hogrefe AG | 02/01/2016 | | 02/01/2016 | | | | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | H58I |
Academic Journal | | NP Digital Insights | Association of Healthcare Internal Auditors, Inc. | 01/01/2014 | 06/30/2021 | 07/01/2015 | 06/30/2021 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JF7C |
Academic Journal | 0746-1739 | Nursing Economic$ | Jannetti Publications, Inc. | 01/01/1985 | | 01/01/1985 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 22R |
Academic Journal | 0969-7330 | Nursing Ethics | Sage Publications | 01/01/1997 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 31K |
Trade Publication | 1061-4753 | Nursing Homes: Long Term Care Management | Vendome Group LLC | 01/01/1992 | 02/29/2008 | 05/01/1993 | 02/29/2008 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NHS |
Academic Journal | 0744-6314 | Nursing Management | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins | 01/01/1995 | | 01/01/1995 | 08/24/2007 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NMA |
Academic Journal | 1354-5760 | Nursing Management - UK | RCNi | 02/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 3BI |
Magazine | 1091-2428 | Nutrition & Health Forum | Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. | 09/01/1996 | 02/28/1997 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 1QO |
Magazine | 0113-4957 | NZ Business (0113-4957) | Pure 360 Ltd | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | NM86 |
Academic Journal | | NZ Business + Management | Pure 360 Ltd | 08/01/2015 | 12/31/2023 | 08/01/2015 | 12/31/2023 | | Y | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | JET2 |
Magazine | 1061-4621 | O&P Almanac | American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association | 07/01/2009 | | 07/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 39T9 |
Academic Journal | 1044-307X | OBG Management | Frontline Medical Communications | 05/01/2019 | | 05/01/2019 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 38BN |
Magazine | 0029-7917 | Occupational Health | DVV Media International | 02/01/2003 | 12/31/2015 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | GSQ |
Magazine | 2397-1223 | Occupational Health & Wellbeing | DVV Media International | 01/01/2016 | 04/30/2021 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | KGDU |
Trade Publication | 0082-9072 | Occupational Outlook Handbook | Bureau of Labor Statistics | 01/01/2006 | 12/31/2012 | 01/01/2006 | 12/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 121Q |
Trade Publication | 0199-4786 | Occupational Outlook Quarterly | Bureau of Labor Statistics | 07/01/1989 | 08/31/2014 | 01/01/1990 | 08/31/2014 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | OOQ |
Academic Journal | 1995-2864 | OECD Journal: Financial Market Trends | Organisation for Economic Cooperation & Development | 06/01/2008 | 07/31/2015 | | | | Y | | France | Available Now | B3RD |
Trade Publication | 0030-0128 | Office | Penton Publishing | 07/01/1993 | 10/31/1993 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | OFF |
Magazine | 1091-1472 | On Managed Care | Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory | 01/01/1999 | 09/30/2002 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 97M |
Academic Journal | 0030-364X | Operations Research | INFORMS: Institute for Operations Research | 01/01/1985 | | 01/01/1985 | | 60 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | OPR |
Magazine | 2291-1448 | Oral Health Office | MJH Life Sciences | 01/01/2013 | 10/31/2017 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | JDU9 |
Academic Journal | 0889-6402 | Organization Development Journal | Organization Development Institute | 03/01/2004 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | GFI |
Academic Journal | 1047-7039 | Organization Science | INFORMS: Institute for Operations Research | 02/01/1990 | | 02/01/1990 | | 60 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2VO |
Academic Journal | 1551-7470 | Organizational Analysis (15517470) | Center for Advanced Studies in Management | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2005 | 01/01/2004 | 01/31/2005 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3AW |
Academic Journal | 0090-2616 | Organizational Dynamics | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/1985 | | 01/01/1985 | 12/31/2001 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ODM |
Academic Journal | 0899-1499 | ORSA Journal on Computing | INFORMS: Institute for Operations Research | 01/01/1989 | 09/30/1995 | 01/01/1989 | 09/30/1995 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2Q7K |
Magazine | | Outpatient Facility Coding Alert | American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) | 07/01/2013 | 10/31/2019 | 07/01/2013 | 10/31/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FXR4 |
Magazine | 1559-0240 | Part B Insider | American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) | 04/01/2010 | 12/31/2012 | 04/01/2010 | 12/31/2012 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B1WS |
Trade Publication | 1090-2244 | Payroll Manager's Report | Bloomberg BNA | 01/01/2001 | 03/04/2016 | 01/01/2001 | 03/04/2016 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JYB |
Trade Publication | 1047-6571 | Payroll Practitioner's Monthly | Bloomberg BNA | 01/01/2001 | 03/31/2016 | 01/01/2001 | 03/04/2016 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JYC |
Magazine | 0737-8939 | PCWorld | IDG Communications, Inc. | 06/01/1986 | | 01/01/1996 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PCW |
Magazine | 1050-4974 | Pensions & Investments | Crain Communications | 07/01/1993 | | 06/24/1996 | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | PAI |
Magazine | 1946-4606 | People & Strategy | SHRM | 01/01/2008 | 09/12/2021 | 01/01/2008 | 09/12/2021 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 7CDY |
Magazine | 1358-6297 | People Management | Haymarket Media Group Ltd | 01/01/1995 | 10/22/2019 | 01/01/2006 | 10/22/2019 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1QM |
Magazine | 1529-3963 | Performance Computing | United Business Media | 07/01/1997 | 01/31/2000 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 03H |
Magazine | 0031-5745 | Personnel Journal | Crain Communications | 07/01/1990 | 12/31/1996 | 01/01/1994 | 12/31/1996 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | PER |
Academic Journal | 0031-5826 | Personnel Psychology | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1985 | | 01/01/1985 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | PPY |
Academic Journal | 0048-3486 | Personnel Review | Emerald Publishing Limited | 01/01/1993 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | PRW |
Academic Journal | | Pharma DD: Tracking Discovery & Development | Cambridge Healthtech Institute | 06/01/2006 | 02/28/2007 | 06/01/2006 | 02/28/2007 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2Z0S |
Magazine | | Pharma Focus Asia | FFC Information Solution Pvt, Ltd. (dba Content Victim) | 07/01/2015 | 10/31/2016 | 07/01/2015 | 10/31/2016 | | | | India | Available Now | FAP2 |
Magazine | 1746-174X | Pharma Magazine | Via Media Ltd. | 03/01/2011 | 11/30/2012 | 03/01/2011 | 11/30/2012 | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 6PUV |
Trade Publication | | Pharma Manufacturing | Endeavor Business Media | 09/02/2023 | | 09/02/2023 | | 3 | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NKY5 |
Academic Journal | 1083-7450 | Pharmaceutical Development & Technology | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1999 | | 01/01/1999 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | KV2 |
Academic Journal | 1554-2068 | Pharmaceutical Discovery | Cambridge Healthtech Institute | 10/01/2004 | 05/31/2006 | 10/01/2004 | 05/31/2006 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1CW |
Trade Publication | 0279-6570 | Pharmaceutical Executive | MJH Life Sciences | 07/01/1997 | | 01/01/1998 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1Q4 |
Trade Publication | 0955-3894 | Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Review | Media Scores Ltd. | 06/01/1996 | 01/31/2000 | | | | | | United Kingdom | Available Now | PUM |
Magazine | 0161-8415 | Pharmaceutical Representative | Advanstar Communications Inc. | 03/01/2005 | 12/31/2011 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 13C |
Trade Publication | 1543-2521 | Pharmaceutical Technology | MJH Life Sciences | 02/01/2003 | | 02/01/2003 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4FK |
Trade Publication | 1753-9013 | Pharmaceutical Technology Asia | Advanstar Communications Inc. | 12/01/2001 | 08/31/2002 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 5NF |
Trade Publication | 1753-7967 | Pharmaceutical Technology Europe | MJH Life Sciences | 09/01/2001 | | 09/01/2001 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 5NG |
Trade Publication | 1534-2131 | Pharmaceutical Technology North America | Advanstar Communications Inc. | 09/01/2001 | 01/31/2003 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | AZVI |
Academic Journal | 1170-7690 | PharmacoEconomics | Springer Nature | 01/01/1998 | | | | | Y | | Germany | Available Now | C5G |
Trade Publication | | Pharmacy Careers | MJH Life Sciences | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NEPR |
Trade Publication | | Pharmacy Practice in Focus: Health Systems | MJH Life Sciences | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N7V9 |
Academic Journal | | Pharmacy Practice in Focus: Oncology | MJH Life Sciences | 01/01/2024 | | 01/01/2024 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | NL23 |
Trade Publication | | Pharmacy Times OTC Issue | MJH Life Sciences | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N7TY |
Academic Journal | 1541-4035 | PharmaGenomics | Cambridge Healthtech Institute | 11/01/2002 | 09/30/2004 | 11/01/2002 | 09/30/2004 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | MYE |
Academic Journal | 0031-711X | Pharmazeutische Industrie (Pharmind) | Editio Cantor Verlag fur Medizin und Naturwissenschaften | 01/01/2003 | | 01/01/2003 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | HH5 |
Magazine | 0898-2759 | Physician Executive | American Association for Physician Leadership, Inc. | 07/01/1994 | 08/31/2014 | 07/01/1994 | 08/31/2014 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PEX |
Academic Journal | 2374-4030 | Physician Leadership Journal | American Association for Physician Leadership, Inc. | 09/01/2014 | | 09/01/2014 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | IQ32 |
Trade Publication | 1097-7139 | Physician's Money Digest | Intellisphere, LLC | 03/01/2007 | 12/31/2007 | 03/01/2007 | 12/31/2007 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2SI6 |
Academic Journal | 0269-7459 | Planning Practice & Research | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 09/01/1986 | | 09/01/1986 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | PLP |
Magazine | 1084-1660 | Plastic Surgery Practice | MEDQOR | 01/01/2009 | 03/31/2016 | 01/01/2009 | 03/31/2016 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 95FT |
Trade Publication | | Plastic Surgery Products | MEDQOR | 03/01/2007 | 12/31/2008 | 03/01/2007 | 12/31/2008 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2SII |
Magazine | 1558-6405 | Podiatry Coding & Billing Alert | American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) | 04/01/2010 | 01/31/2013 | 04/01/2010 | 01/31/2013 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B3X3 |
Magazine | 1942-6828 | Policy & Practice (19426828) | American Public Human Services Association | 06/01/2003 | | 06/01/2003 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | B7YA |
Academic Journal | 1477-3996 | Policy & Practice in Health & Safety | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2019 | 12/31/2019 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 39V4 |
Magazine | 1520-801X | Policy & Practice of Public Human Services | American Public Human Services Association | 02/01/1998 | 05/31/2003 | 02/01/1998 | 05/31/2003 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 4SW |
Academic Journal | 0199-0039 | Population & Environment | Springer Nature | 09/01/1988 | | 01/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | PAZ |
Academic Journal | 0032-468X | Population Bulletin | Population Reference Bureau, Inc. | 07/01/1991 | | 06/01/2004 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PBL |
Academic Journal | 0167-5923 | Population Research & Policy Review | Springer Nature | 02/01/2003 | | 01/01/2004 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 4KJ |
Academic Journal | 0953-6612 | Practice Nurse | Omniamed Communications Ltd | 03/01/2003 | | 08/01/2003 | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | DYZ |
Magazine | 1167-7422 | Prescrire International | Prescrire | 01/01/2014 | | 01/01/2014 | | | | Y | France | Available Now | 65QP |
Magazine | | Primary Care Coding Alert | American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) | 05/01/2018 | 09/30/2020 | 05/01/2018 | 09/30/2020 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | LS3Q |
Academic Journal | 1066-8527 | Process Safety Progress | Wiley-Blackwell | 06/01/2012 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 1223 |
Academic Journal | 0099-0027 | Professional Safety | American Society of Safety Professionals | 01/01/1995 | | 07/01/1997 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PFS |
Trade Publication | 0199-7114 | Program Manager | Defense Acquisition University | 07/01/1994 | 12/31/2003 | 07/01/1994 | 12/31/2003 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PRO |
Academic Journal | 8756-9728 | Project Management Journal | Sage Publications | 06/01/1997 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 1NR |
Academic Journal | 1087-0091 | Public Administration & Management | Southern Public Administration Education Foundation | 02/01/2009 | 07/31/2011 | 02/01/2009 | 07/31/2011 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | GUA |
Academic Journal | 0033-3352 | Public Administration Review | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1985 | | 01/01/1985 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | PBA |
Academic Journal | 0275-1100 | Public Budgeting & Finance | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1985 | | 01/01/1985 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BDG |
Academic Journal | 0048-5829 | Public Choice | Springer Nature | 03/01/1968 | | 03/01/1968 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 2B7 |
Magazine | 1946-715X | Public Employee Quarterly | International Foundation of Employee Benefits | 06/01/2009 | 03/31/2010 | 06/01/2009 | 03/31/2010 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2779 |
Academic Journal | 1523-9721 | Public Finance & Management | Sage Publications | 01/01/2002 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | I66 |
Academic Journal | 2769-2450 | Public Health Challenges | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2023 | | 01/01/2023 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | N5S2 |
Academic Journal | 0033-3549 | Public Health Reports | Sage Publications | 01/01/1990 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | PHR |
Academic Journal | 2050-4381 | Public Health Research | NIHR Journals Library | 01/19/2021 | | 01/19/2021 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | GUNV |
Magazine | 1061-7639 | Public Manager | Association for Talent Development | 03/04/1992 | 07/31/2017 | 06/01/2005 | 07/31/2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | BUR |
Academic Journal | 1566-7170 | Public Organization Review | Springer Nature | 03/01/2001 | | 03/01/2001 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | N9Q |
Academic Journal | 0091-0260 | Public Personnel Management | Sage Publications | 01/01/1985 | | 01/01/1985 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PPM |
Academic Journal | 0033-3700 | Public Relations Quarterly | Public Relations Quarterly | 03/01/1965 | 12/31/2007 | 03/01/1965 | 12/31/2007 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PRL |
Trade Publication | 1080-6792 | Public Relations Tactics | Public Relations Society of America | 07/01/1994 | 12/31/2017 | 07/01/1994 | 12/31/2017 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | PTA |
Magazine | 0048-6000 | Pulse | Cogora | 04/08/2002 | | 04/08/2002 | | | | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 4L5 |
Trade Publication | 0360-9936 | Quality | BNP Media | 07/01/1996 | | 07/01/1999 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | QAY |
Academic Journal | 1052-9411 | Quality Assurance | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/1998 | 04/30/2004 | 01/01/1998 | 04/30/2004 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | BCV |
Academic Journal | 0033-5533 | Quarterly Journal of Economics | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1985 | | 01/01/1985 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QJE |
Academic Journal | 0147-6580 | Quarterly Review (01476580) | Federal Reserve Bank of New York | 03/01/1990 | 06/30/1994 | 03/01/1990 | 06/30/1994 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | FNY |
Academic Journal | 0271-5287 | Quarterly Review (02715287) | Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis | 09/01/1998 | 06/30/2020 | 09/01/1998 | 06/30/2020 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | FMN |
Academic Journal | 1062-9769 | Quarterly Review of Economics & Finance | Elsevier B.V. | 01/01/1994 | | 09/01/1996 | 12/31/2001 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | QEB |
Academic Journal | 0741-6261 | RAND Journal of Economics (RAND Journal of Economics) | RAND Journal of Economics | 01/01/1985 | 12/31/2005 | 01/01/1985 | 08/31/2004 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | RJE |
Academic Journal | 0741-6261 | RAND Journal of Economics (Wiley-Blackwell) | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/2006 | | 01/01/2006 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 56RJ |
Magazine | 2168-8214 | Receivables Report for America's Health Care Financial Managers | Wolters Kluwer Legal & Regulatory | 09/01/1999 | | 09/01/1999 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 9NG |
Magazine | 1050-2343 | Records Management Quarterly (1986) | Association of Records Managers & Administrators | 01/01/1990 | 10/31/1998 | 01/01/1990 | 10/31/1998 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | RMQ |
Trade Publication | 1045-3369 | Region (10453369) | Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis | 03/01/1994 | 01/31/2019 | 03/01/1994 | 01/31/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | RGN |
Trade Publication | 1062-1865 | Regional Review | Federal Reserve Bank of Boston | 01/01/1991 | 03/31/2005 | 01/01/1991 | 03/31/2005 | | | | United States of America | Available Now | RRW |
Academic Journal | 0147-0590 | Regulation | Cato Institute | 03/01/1996 | | 01/01/2001 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | RGL |
Trade Publication | 1067-4551 | Report on Salary Surveys | Bloomberg BNA | 01/01/2001 | 09/28/2018 | 01/01/2001 | 03/04/2016 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | JYN |
Academic Journal | 2730-9827 | Research in Health Services & Regions | Springer Nature | 01/01/2022 | | 01/01/2022 | | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | NA4R |
Academic Journal | 1524-1521 | Research in Healthcare Financial Management | International Society for Research in Healthcare Financial Management | 08/01/2001 | 08/31/2009 | 08/01/2001 | 08/31/2009 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 9DI |
Academic Journal | 1552-2814 | Research Review | Federal Reserve Bank of Boston | 06/01/2005 | 12/31/2013 | 06/01/2005 | 12/31/2013 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | AF5 |
Academic Journal | 0895-6308 | Research Technology Management | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 07/01/1993 | | 01/01/1994 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | RTM |
Magazine | 1525-2221 | Retirement Income Reporter | Arizent | 02/01/2008 | 03/31/2009 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 6DSM |
Trade Publication | | Revenue Cycle Insights | Healthcare Financial Management Association | 02/01/2020 | | 02/01/2020 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | N7NL |
Trade Publication | 1549-0858 | Revenue Cycle Strategist | Healthcare Financial Management Association | 09/01/2007 | 12/31/2019 | 09/01/2007 | 12/31/2019 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2XR3 |
Academic Journal | 0034-6454 | Review of Business | St. John's University | 01/01/1990 | | 01/01/1990 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | RVS |
Trade Publication | | Review of Cornea & Contact Lenses | Jobson Healthcare Information LLC | 09/01/2006 | | 09/01/2006 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1GCX |
Academic Journal | 0034-6535 | Review of Economics & Statistics | MIT Press | 01/01/1985 | | 01/01/1985 | | 12 | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | RMS |
Academic Journal | 1569-5239 | Review of Economics of the Household | Springer Nature | 03/01/2004 | | 03/01/2004 | 06/30/2011 | | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 18AE |
Academic Journal | 0734-4015 | Review of Litigation | University of Texas at Austin School of Law Publications | 01/01/1998 | | 01/01/1998 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 6ZV |
Academic Journal | 0272-4332 | Risk Analysis: An International Journal | Wiley-Blackwell | 02/01/1994 | | 02/01/2000 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 2C2 |
Academic Journal | 1098-1616 | Risk Management & Insurance Review | Wiley-Blackwell | 07/01/1997 | | 01/01/2003 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | 5VP |
Trade Publication | 0035-5593 | Risk Management (00355593) | Risk & Insurance Management Society, Inc. | 01/01/1979 | | 01/01/2005 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | RSK |
Academic Journal | 0278-3193 | Roeper Review | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 03/01/1990 | | 03/01/1990 | | 12 | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | ROE |
Academic Journal | 1037-1656 | Rural Society | Taylor & Francis Ltd | 01/01/2003 | | 01/01/2006 | 08/22/2015 | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | LUK |
Magazine | | Salt Lake Business Journal | City Journals | 08/21/2023 | | 08/21/2023 | | | | | United States of America | Coming Soon | NLXM |
Trade Publication | 1089-6333 | Securities Industry News | Arizent | 01/01/1999 | 06/22/2010 | | | | | | United States of America | Available Now | 2SI |
Trade Publication | 0890-8826 | Security | BNP Media | 07/01/1997 | | 06/30/1999 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1PL |
Academic Journal | 1941-7187 | Seniors Housing & Care Journal | National Investment Center for Seniors Housing & Care, Inc. | 01/01/2008 | | | | | Y | | United States of America | Available Now | 65EE |
Academic Journal | 0129-5977 | Singapore Management Review | Singapore Institute of Management | 01/01/1993 | 07/31/2012 | 01/01/1993 | 05/16/2010 | | Y | Y | Singapore | Available Now | 1MM |
Trade Publication | 1531-3034 | Sleep Review | MEDQOR | 05/01/2007 | | 05/01/2007 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 2SIJ |
Academic Journal | 0019-848X | Sloan Management Review | Sloan Management Review | 01/01/1985 | 09/30/2000 | 08/01/1996 | 09/30/2000 | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SMR |
Academic Journal | 2253-1564 | Smart Homecare Technology & TeleHealth | Dove Medical Press Ltd | 01/01/2012 | 06/30/2022 | 01/01/2012 | 06/30/2022 | | Y | Y | New Zealand | Available Now | EH5A |
Academic Journal | 0176-1714 | Social Choice & Welfare | Springer Nature | 01/01/1997 | | 01/01/1997 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 2EE |
Academic Journal | 0303-8300 | Social Indicators Research | Springer Nature | 07/01/1993 | | 01/01/2004 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | SIR |
Academic Journal | 0037-7910 | Social Security Bulletin | Social Security Administration | 01/01/1990 | | 01/01/1990 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SSB |
Academic Journal | 0037-8046 | Social Work | Oxford University Press | 01/01/1985 | | 01/01/1985 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | SWR |
Academic Journal | 1070-5309 | Social Work Research | Oxford University Press | 03/01/1994 | | 03/01/1994 | | | Y | Y | United Kingdom | Available Now | SWK |
Magazine | 1050-7698 | South Carolina Business | South Carolina Chamber of Commerce | 01/01/1993 | 06/30/2015 | 01/01/1994 | 06/30/2015 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SCM |
Magazine | 0745-4473 | South Carolina Business Journal | South Carolina Chamber of Commerce | 01/01/1994 | 10/31/2006 | 02/01/1994 | 10/31/2006 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SBJ |
Magazine | 0038-3260 | South Dakota Business Review | Business Research Bureau | 01/01/1990 | 03/31/2009 | 01/01/1990 | 03/31/2009 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SDB |
Magazine | | Special Delivery | Colorado Rural Health Center | 07/01/2014 | | 07/01/2014 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 21Z3 |
Academic Journal | 1363-9064 | Strategic Communication Management | Melcrum Publishing Ltd. | 12/01/1996 | 01/31/2014 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | 6JK |
Magazine | 1934-7103 | Strategic Financial Planning | Healthcare Financial Management Association | 10/01/2009 | | 10/01/2009 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | AWI7 |
Academic Journal | 0143-2095 | Strategic Management Journal (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) | John Wiley & Sons, Inc. | 01/01/2010 | | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | LVE6 |
Academic Journal | 0143-2095 | Strategic Management Journal (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) - 1980 to 2009 | Wiley-Blackwell | 01/01/1985 | 12/31/2009 | | | | Y | | United Kingdom | Available Now | SMJ |
Trade Publication | 0039-5854 | Supervision | National Research Bureau | 01/01/1990 | | 01/01/1990 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | SPV |
Trade Publication | 1557-5128 | Supply Chain Solutions | Healthcare Financial Management Association | 10/01/2007 | 05/31/2008 | 10/01/2007 | 05/31/2008 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 38AM |
Trade Publication | 0161-1372 | Surgical Rounds | Intellisphere, LLC | 03/01/2007 | 04/30/2008 | 03/01/2007 | 04/30/2008 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 1XME |
Academic Journal | 1094-429X | Systemic Practice & Action Research | Springer Nature | 01/01/2007 | | 01/01/2008 | | 12 | Y | Y | Germany | Available Now | 5L0 |
Magazine | 1535-7740 | T+D | Association for Talent Development | 05/01/2001 | 07/31/2014 | 05/01/2001 | 07/31/2014 | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | IX0 |
Trade Publication | 0039-9957 | Tax Adviser | American Institute of Certified Public Accountants | 07/01/1993 | | 01/01/1998 | | | | Y | United States of America | Available Now | TAD |
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Academic Journal | 1010-9609 | WHO Drug Information | World Health Organization | 01/01/1999 | | 01/01/1999 | | | Y | Y | Switzerland | Available Now | 6FV |
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Academic Journal | 0741-9457 | Yale Journal on Regulation | Yale Journal on Regulation | 02/01/2000 | | 06/01/2005 | | | Y | Y | United States of America | Available Now | 3DU |