EBSCO Discovery Service Health

Optimize the medical research experience for your clinicians and researchers with EBSCO Discovery Service Health ― a powerful, customizable solution that combines your hospital’s entire collection, from databases to e-books, into one streamlined search experience.

Remove Barriers to Medical Research

Create greater usage of your medical library’s collection and improve the end-user search experience with EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) Health. Features and functionality include: 

  • Sophisticated Search — Rich metadata and superior relevance ranking technology
  • Direct Access to Full Text — One-click access directly through the results list
  • Intuitive Interface — Features and technology built on user research
  • Superior Integrations — Integrations with multiple platforms 
  • Exceptional Support — Set up and support from our highly skilled staff 

EDS Health Index

The EDS Health index represents a comprehensive collection of more than 3.4 billion records from the world’s top publishers and information providers, 5.3 million unique titles indexed, and access to 16,000 databases and packages.

Included in the index is a vast quantity of non-journal content as well, such as images, videos, books, systematic reviews, policies and procedures and reports.

The New EDS Health Experience

Now EDS Health delivers a new search experience with a redesigned user interface that upgrades how clinical researchers can access, search, choose and use their library’s resources.

By combining the excellence of EBSCO’s search technology with a new interface and many new features, clinical researchers can take even greater advantage of all the medical library has to offer. Watch the video to see how:

transform medical research workflow story image

Transform Medical Researchers' Workflow

Streamline access and save researchers’ time. EBSCO brings together the best in medical content, technology and user experience to transform the research workflow.

See more medical research technologies

Ready to get started with EDS Health?

See what EBSCO Discovery Service can do for your institution.

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